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Displaying "Current Trip" and "Previous Trips" #497

Open Rodrjen opened 4 months ago

Rodrjen commented 4 months ago

Context As a user, I want to see separate lists of current and previous trips on the "Trips Overview" page so I have an insight of the ongoing and past trips



Scenarios Scenario 1: Adding Current and Previous Trips Sections GIVEN that I am logged in and on the "Trips Overview" page, WHEN I look at the screen, THEN I see two separate sections: "Current Trips" and "Previous Trips".

Scenario 2: Populating the Current Trip List GIVEN that I have saved a trip dated as of today, WHEN I view the "Current Trip" list, THEN I see the following information of the current trip: Start time & Trip ID AND I see the "Area" information displayed to the right of each current trip AND I see a "greater than" icon (>) to the right of the "Area" information (check wireframe 1)

Scenario 3: Displaying Message for No Current Trip GIVEN there is not an entry of a trip with today's date, WHEN I view the "Current Trip" list, THEN I see the text "No current trips yet"

Scenario 4: Populating the Previous Trip List GIVEN there is an entry of a previous trip with a date different than todays, WHEN I view the "Previous Trip" list, THEN I see the following information of the previous trip: Trip ID AND I see the "Area" information displayed to the right of each previous trip AND I see a "greater than" icon (>) to the right of the "Area" information (check wireframe 2)

Scenario 5: Order of the Previous Trip List GIVEN there is an entry of a previous trip with a date different than todays, WHEN I view the "Previous Trip" list, THEN I see the latest entry on top AND I scroll down for viewing the rest of the previous trips entries

Scenario 6: Displaying Message for No Previous Trip GIVEN there is not an entry of a previous trip, WHEN I view the "Previous Trip" list, THEN I see the text "No previous trips yet"

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The appearance of the "Current Trip" & "Previous Trips" sections should be consistent with the design of the application
  2. A saved trip with today's date will be populated in the "Current Trip" section
  3. The "Start Time" & "Trip ID" of a current trip is displayed to the left in the in the "Current Trip" section
  4. The "Trip ID" of a previous trip is displayed to the left in the in the "Previous Trip" section
  5. The "Area" of a current and/or a previous trip is displayed to the right in the "Current Trip" and/or "Previous Trip" section
  6. A "greater than" icon (>) is displayed to the right of the "Area" information in both the "Current Trip" and/or "Previous Trip" sections
  7. A saved trip with a date different than today's is populated in the "Previous Trip" section
  8. A trip that has being cancelled, is not populated in the current or previous trip section
  9. The "greater than" icon (>) should be an empty link

Wireframes Wireframe 1:


Wireframe 2:
