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Create the Trip Summary Page #501

Open Rodrjen opened 4 months ago

Rodrjen commented 4 months ago

Context As a user I want to have a summary of a Trip and all the Logbook entries associated with this Trip so that I have detailed information of the environment during a given field trip.




Scenarios Scenario 1: Appearance of Trip Summary Page GIVEN I am on the Trip Summary Page WHEN the page is loaded THEN I see the header with the toggle "Trips" on focus mode and next to it the "Encounters" toggle in bold AND I see a link with the text and icon "< Return to Trips Overview Page" AND I see the "Trip Details" as the first section displaying the Trip Information AND I see a link with the text and icon: "Edit Trip Information > " at the bottom of the "Trip Details" section AND I see the "Logbook" section after the "Trip Details" section AND I see an "End Trip" button on the footer (wireframe 1)

Scenario 2: Trip Information Section GIVEN I save a Trip form with at least the required fields WHEN I am redirected to the Trip Summary page THEN I see all saved Trip information displayed (minimum required fields): Value
Trip ID
# Observers
Engine hours
Wind speed
Wind direction

Scenario 3: No additional information saved GIVEN I have only saved the mandatory fields in the Trip Form WHEN I check the "Trip Details" section on the Trip Summary Page THEN I see only the mandatory fields displayed AND the rest of the fields are blank

Scenario 4: Logbook Entry Section GIVEN I have saved the first Logbook entry of a specific Trip WHEN I check the Logbook section on the "Trip Summary" page THEN I see the saved Logbook entry with the following information displayed: time and the text "Logbook entry [counter]" AND I see the greater than icon (>) to the right of each Logbook entry AND I see a "+ New" button on the right side of the Logbook section headline (wireframe 1) AND clicking on the "+ New" button takes me to a new "Logbook Entry" Page

Scenario 5: Populating Logbook entries GIVEN I have saved a Logbook entry for a specific Trip WHEN I am redirected to the "Trip Summary" page of this specific Trip THEN I see the saved Logbook entry added to the Logbook list AND I see the latest Logbook entry on top of the list

Scenario 5: Link to Trip Summary Page from the Current Trips (Trip Overview Page) GIVEN I am on the Trip Overview Page WHEN I click on the information of a Current Trip (Start time + Trip ID) or the ">" icon THEN I am redirected to the "Trip Summary Page" of this specific Current Trip

Scenario 6: Link to Trip Summary Page from the Previous Trips (Trip Overview Page) GIVEN I am on the Trip Overview Page WHEN I click on the information of a Previous Trip (Trip ID) or the ">" icon THEN I am redirected to the "Trip Summary Page" of this specific Previous Trip

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Trip Summary page creation
  2. The appearance of the Navigation Bar aligns with the application's design
  3. The appearance of the Trip Summary page aligns with the "Habitat-uses" page's design
  4. The Trip Summary page is divided in 2 sections: Trip Details & Logbook
  5. There is an "End Trip" button in the footer that aligns with the application's design
  6. The Trip Details section displays the information listed in the Scenario 2
  7. The Logbook section displays the information listed in the Scenario 3
  8. The "Return to Trips Overview Page" link takes you to the Trips Overview Page
  9. The "Edit Trip Information >" link is an empty link
  10. The "+ New" button takes you to a new Logbook Entry page
  11. The Logbook entry link and the ">" icon of a specific Logbook entry are empty links
  12. All the Logbook entries listed in the Trip Summary Page of a specific Trip Id belong to this specific Trip
  13. All the Logbook entries created from the Trip Summary Page of a specific Trip ID belong to this specific Trip
  14. The Logbook entries are ordered by time, having the latest entry on the top of the list
  15. Entries created in offline mode are saved locally on the user's device
  16. Upon regaining internet connectivity, the locally saved entries are synchronised with the database without data loss or duplication.

Wireframes Wireframe 1 image