BMR59 / Portu-WhatsApp

Communications between Portuguese L2 Speakers and Native Speakers via WhatsApp
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Project Midterm Report #3

Open ghbondar opened 6 years ago

ghbondar commented 6 years ago

In order to provide some urgent feedback, this is more of a "pre-Report" until @ebeshero and I can huddle and put these together.

  1. Corpus + GitHub use (8/10): It's great that the corpus of images on GitHub is growing. Keep 'em coming!
  2. Mark-up (5/10): At the time of the Midterm deadline, there was very little xml-markup that had been posted. I am pleased to see that the TEI-Portu-WhatsApp.xml file is being developed! Instead of one giant file, you might consider creating a collection of files, especially if multiple conversations or people are involved. We are impressed that you are opting to use TEI. @BMR59 While I realize that you are the Lead on the transcript, you should look for ways to involve your team-members in some of the grunt-work of the transcription so that you can focus in the translation. For Example: 1) converting images to text using Adobe Acrobat Pro; 2) Blocking-out names and other personal info on the images. Having more text data should help with the development of your ODD-schema.
  3. Webpage (9/10): Your webpage is quite good at this stage of the game. Something simple to add would be biographies for the team-members. At the moment, though, your color combo for your menu bar is atrocious on my screen!
  4. Schema (8/10): Your use of TEI obviates the need for a RelaxNG schema, and the ODD incorporates those found in Schematron. At this point, I am not getting into the weeds of the ODD, but I presume that @zme1 is still the Lead in its development.
  5. Individual Contributions: From what I see and hear, you are all attempting to contribute substantially to the project (100%-multiplier), considering that @ttb11 was rather new to the project, and @BMR59 is concentrating on processing the data, but has been slow to make text available to the team to manipulate. @pab124 and @ttb11 did a nice job on the webpage.
  6. Research Questions (8.5/10): As described on the webpage, this seems to be a sounds foundation that needs some development going forward, which should become more evident as the corpus of transcribed and translated texts grows.

A suggestion for project management and the delegation-of/responsibility-for tasks would be to use GitHub's Project tab, above, to use GitHub's built-in "agile" management system to monitor task-flow. @zme1 can show you more about this at your next meeting.

@ghbondar @gabikeane @zme1 @amk231 @pab124 @ttb11 @BMR59 @ebeshero

ghbondar commented 6 years ago

Please view the pre-Report in GitHub instead of email so you can see some edits and additions I made to the text. @ghbondar @gabikeane @zme1 @amk231 @pab124 @ttb11 @BMR59 @ebeshero