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Make C parser reentrant #349

Closed wangjia184 closed 3 years ago

wangjia184 commented 3 years ago

The *.y template file generated by BNFC using global varilables to store the parsed AST and internal status.

/* Global variables holding parse results for entrypoints. */
Proc YY_RESULT_Proc_ = 0;
ListProc YY_RESULT_ListProc_ = 0;

This means the parser is not thread-safe.

Please consider enabling Thread Local Storage for them. Here is a thread_local macro suggested here.

#ifndef thread_local
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112 && !defined __STDC_NO_THREADS__
#  define thread_local _Thread_local
# elif defined _WIN32 && ( \
       defined _MSC_VER || \
       defined __ICL || \
       defined __DMC__ || \
       defined __BORLANDC__ )
#  define thread_local __declspec(thread) 
/* note that ICC (linux) and Clang are covered by __GNUC__ */
# elif defined __GNUC__ || \
       defined __SUNPRO_C || \
       defined __xlC__
#  define thread_local __thread
# else
#  error "Cannot define thread_local"
# endif
andreasabel commented 3 years ago

I am not very proficient in C. Could you contribute a pull request?

Or, if you do not want to touch the Haskell code, could you describe precisely (e.g. by diffs) how the output of the C Backend should change to implement your feature?

wangjia184 commented 3 years ago

Hi @andreasabel

It seems BNFC C parser is not ready to be used in this way. So I give up this approach, and wrap the C parser into a child process. And everytime I need to parse a source file, launch the child process and exit after parsing the file.

The following changes are what I have attempted in *.y file.

First I added a macro in the top part.

#ifndef thread_local
# if __STDC_VERSION__ >= 201112 && !defined __STDC_NO_THREADS__
#  define thread_local _Thread_local
# elif defined _WIN32 && ( \
       defined _MSC_VER || \
       defined __ICL || \
       defined __DMC__ || \
       defined __BORLANDC__ )
#  define thread_local __declspec(thread) 
/* note that ICC (linux) and Clang are covered by __GNUC__ */
# elif defined __GNUC__ || \
       defined __SUNPRO_C || \
       defined __xlC__
#  define thread_local __thread
# else
#  error "Cannot define thread_local"
# endif

Then added thread_local before all global variables under the following line

/* Global variables holding parse results for entrypoints. */
thread_local Proc YY_RESULT_Proc_ = 0;
thread_local ListProc YY_RESULT_ListProc_ = 0;

Reset all global variables in the beginning of the parser method.

Proc pProc(FILE *inp)
  YY_RESULT_Proc_ = 0;
  YY_RESULT_ListProc_ = 0;


It just does not work and fail with occasional and different errors..

andreasabel commented 3 years ago

With bison you have to do some extra work to get a reentrant parser.

Maybe we could add change BNFC to generate reentrant parsers by default.

andreasabel commented 3 years ago

@wangjia184 Wow, I spent the whole day, but now the parser generated should be reentrant. Can you test PR #351 if it solves your problem?

wangjia184 commented 3 years ago

Wow, that's fast, Thanks @andreasabel , I will try

Another small issue may block running multiple C parsers from current process is -- when syntax error occurs, the error message is directly printed to stderr. Which make it impossible to differentiate where the error is from. Perhaps add some api (e.g. getLastErrorMessage) and the returned pointer should be freed by caller.

Seems I need learn how to build the project, never used Haskell before, will have a try for the new pr, thank you very much

andreasabel commented 3 years ago

@wangjia184: Sorry, I hijacked this issue for one part of it: removing global variables from the C/C++ parser. Likely, the issue is not fixed for you with that. If you could provide me with a test scenario that I could run to chase the remaining problems, I could give it another try. Concretely, I would need some self-contained test that runs parsers in parallel (as you seem to do) and exhibits the problems you report (syntax/memory errors).

wangjia184 commented 3 years ago

Thanks @andreasabel for the efforts, I am willing to help. but since I am quite busy these days, dont have time to look into it. I intend to attach a debugger to diagnose the issue. I may get back to you when I have something, but please expect soon about that