That is not an accurate representation of the data as it implies it's all species within Rana that is displayed which is a reasonable expectation. We should either remove from the species list the piechart entries where specificepithet = null.
Instead we should have a new piecharts where we display data based on higher taxonomic classifications like Genus, Family, Order (yes, probably should be a new issue)
Right now, I think when specificepithet = null then a Genus-only piechart is generated. EX.
That is not an accurate representation of the data as it implies it's all species within Rana that is displayed which is a reasonable expectation. We should either remove from the species list the piechart entries where specificepithet = null.
Instead we should have a new piecharts where we display data based on higher taxonomic classifications like Genus, Family, Order (yes, probably should be a new issue)