BNNorman / rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator

Python code to play animation sequences on an RGB LED matrix panel using the HZeller drivers
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Text Scrolling problem #3

Closed ValDY69 closed 6 years ago

ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

Hello Brian ,

After several test on the i don't find a way to scroll a text "entirely" :

the text do not complety exit from the left side of the screen

instead of that it's disappears when the end of the text reaches the right side of the screen (when the text is larger than the screen itself otherwise it's disappears when the beginning of the text reaches the left side)

it's a bit complicated to explain but the problem makes scrolling not smooth

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

First of all. The panels are low resolution. Slow update rates will always give a jerky effect.

Second, the issues are caused by a combination of FPS, animation speed and animation duration.

Animations are terminated abruptly when the duration is reached, so you need to adjust the speed and duration until you get it to work.

Third, the ability of the animator to keep “good time” depends on the time taken by each step of each animation. If they take longer than allowed by the FPS the animation will get out of step. I found, with other animations, using elapsed time is better at ensuring an animation completes before the duration has expired rather than ticks.

Fourth, text is first rendered as an image and the image is moved over the background. The size of the image can be obtained as is done in like this

bdfText="Hello sweetie BDF 12pt text here!"



Make sure the endPos X value is at least –tLenBDF

You could add a fiddle factor in case the calculated length is slightly incorrect. For BDF fonts is done counting characters and multiplying by their widths. For HERSHEY the length is estimated by openCV routines (and may need a fudge factor adding)

Fifth, there’s always room for improvement – I’ll have a look later to see if I can improve that – or you could look at the code and try to do that yourself – all feedback gratefully accepted.

Best Regards


From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 07 February 2018 09:50 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Subscribed Subject: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

Hello Brian ,

After several test on the i don't find a way to scroll a text "entirely" :

the text do not complety exit from the left side of the screen

instead of that it's disappears when the end of the text reaches the right side of the screen (when the text is larger than the screen itself otherwise it's disappears when the beginning of the text reaches the left side)

it's a bit complicated to explain but the problem makes scrolling not smooth

Regards , Valentin

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

Thank you brian for your quick answer !

i understand that the panels are low resolution , no problem with that

i don't think that the duration is reached because i set it to 50.

I tried to increase the duration to your from 20 to 50 with the same speed 0.3 but i still have the same problem : the scrolling don't go to the end of panels and disappears quicker , i also tried to increase the endPos but it still not work properly

can you give me the combinaison of parameters that i have to set with your sample :

bdfSeq= AnimSequence([ TextAnimations.Move (duration=50, speed=0.3, fps=FPS, startPos=(64,20), endPos=(-tLenBDF,20), text=bdfmsg, multiColored=True, Xpos=32,Ypos=32,debug=DEBUG,id="BDFSEQ"), ])

Regards , Valentin

ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

i found a solution that work for me i put some spaces at the end of string when i want that my text scroll completly out of the screen.

I will do some test to understand the possibilities of your animator process !

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Ok, that suggests that the calculation of the image size is not quite correct. Which font were you using (BDF or HERSHEY)?

By the way. Using Hershey you can also use anti-aliasing which may help the motion look smoother.

I will look into improving the code.



From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 07 February 2018 12:51 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

i found a solution that work for me a put some spaces at the end of string when i want that my text scroll completly out of the screen.

I will do some test to understand the possibilities of your animator process !

Regards , Valentin

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

I use BDF i have not try with Hershey i will try it as soon as possible

I will look into improving the code. --> thank you brian

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

There is a bug somewhere which causes the alphaBlend() routine in to abandon blending because the image overlap areas are different when the text image scrolls to the point the rightmost edge is within the Panel region. I’m guessing that’s why the text scroll halts at the end of the text.

At the moment it is a 1 pixel width difference – and it only appears to happen when the back end of a text image moves into the panel area. It may also happen with height – I’m guessing that when I find the cause of the width discrepancy it will tell me if height would also be affected. (similar calcs)

The alpha blending only works with images of the same shape.

I’m trying to track it down.

BTW. With Hershey fonts if you include lineType=LINE_AA in the text() parameter list it should give you anti-aliased text. Might look smoother when scrolling at low speed.


From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 07 February 2018 13:50 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

I use BDF i have not try with Hershey i will try it as soon as possible

I will look into improving the code. --> thank you brian

Regards , Valentin

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BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Yes, i did see that. The problem is in getOverlapCoords()., Which, oddly, appears to work for all other conditions. Im working on it

On 7 Feb 2018 9:50 am, "ValDY69" wrote:

Hello Brian ,

After several test on the i don't find a way to scroll a text "entirely" :

the text do not complety exit from the left side of the screen

instead of that it's disappears when the end of the text reaches the right side of the screen (when the text is larger than the screen itself otherwise it's disappears when the beginning of the text reaches the left side)

it's a bit complicated to explain but the problem makes scrolling not smooth

Regards , Valentin

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BNNorman commented 6 years ago

I’ve modified – seems to be working ok. Text now scrolls all the way off the screen.

Added a new TextAnimation called MoveTimed. This uses the duration only (not speed) and is more user friendly. If you set the duration to 10 seconds – that’s how long it runs for, but it only runs once.

I have modified TextDemo to use the new MoveTimed – but in doing so spotted a problem with Hershey fonts – letters missing off the end of the message.



From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 07 February 2018 13:50 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

I use BDF i have not try with Hershey i will try it as soon as possible

I will look into improving the code. --> thank you brian

Regards , Valentin

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

Hello Brian , Thank you for your improvement , this is really what i was looking for !

i have seen no difference between the 2 fonts

But the only problem that i see now is that when the text have completly scroll it begin another cycle during approximatively 1 sec before restart again normaly

i also see that this problem is linked with the duration (less duration reduce the bug)

for now i resolve this by adding a one space char before the begining of the text

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Were you using MoveTimed? It should run once only and not restart. (unless it's the only animation in a sequence.)

Hershey fonts. Did you add lineType=LINE_AA?

You should be able to put that in the Text parameter list

cv2msg=Text(text=cv2Text,fontSize=12,fontFace=FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fgColor=Palette.XMAS,bgColor=(125,0,125,255),lineType=LINE_AA)

OR in the animation sequence:-

cv2Seq= AnimSequence([ TextAnimations.MoveTimed (duration=20, fps=FPS, startPos=(64,40), endPos=(-tLenCV2,40), text=cv2msg, lineType=LINE_AA),

If the latter works but not the former I need to add some code to let it be done either way though I think the preferred way should be the former.

Let me know. Regards

ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

i am using your with MoveTimed but only one animation in a sequence yes .

i try to add lineType=LINE_AA but i have seen no difference on my Windows simulator.

the problem is the same for me , the text scroll entirely but it begin another cycle during approximatively 0.5 sec before restart again normaly

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Just uploaded some fixes for line type – worked ok for me.

Ok, there’s a bug in MoveTimed – just saw it happen myself. Will Investigate

From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 10 February 2018 14:23 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

i am using your with MoveTimed but only one animation in a sequence yes .

i try to add lineType=LINE_AA but i have seen no difference on my Windows simulator.

the problem is the same for me , the text scroll entirely but it begin another cycle during approximatively 0.5 sec before restart again normaly

Regards , Valentin

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

ok Brian i will test it soon , thank you !

I have modified a little your code to work with 64*64 Led Panels ! and it works i can pull request if you want ?

Regards, Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

I have uploaded a new version of – it seems to work ok now – no odd flashes at the end (brief reset)

From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 10 February 2018 14:23 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

i am using your with MoveTimed but only one animation in a sequence yes .

i try to add lineType=LINE_AA but i have seen no difference on my Windows simulator.

the problem is the same for me , the text scroll entirely but it begin another cycle during approximatively 0.5 sec before restart again normaly

Regards , Valentin

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BNNorman commented 6 years ago

What changes were made where and why? My test panel is 64x64.

From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 10 February 2018 14:58 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

ok Brian i will test it soon , thank you !

I have modified a little your code to work with 64*64 Led Panels ! and it works i can pull request if you want ?

Regards, Valentin

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

Ok perfect brian !

I was talking about each Led Module 64*64 1/32 scan not the entire screen , I have added "cols" property on options for matrix and modify :

in :



in :

    #pixelWidth = self.options.cols * self.options.parallel
    #pixelHeight = self.options.rows * self.options.chain_length

    pixelWidth = self.options.cols * self.options.chain_length
    pixelHeight = self.options.rows * self.options.parallel

and for the simulator :

class RGBMatrixOptions(object): rows = 32 cols = 32 parallel = 2 chain_length = 2 gpio_slowdown = 2 # gets rid of flickering leds on my Pi3 drop_privileges = False # allow images to be loaded

# a 64x64pixel display on screen is very small so we scale it up
scale = 10

# video capture
videoName="./HUB75 {width}x{height}.avi"

# misc

def validate(self):
    assert type(self.parallel) is int, "parallel parameter should be an int."
    assert type(self.rows) is int, "rows parameter should be an int."
    **assert type(self.cols) is int, "cols parameter should be an int."**
    assert type(self.chain_length) is int, "chain_len parameter should be an int."
    assert type(self.gpio_slowdown) is int, "gpio_slowdown parameter should be an int."
    assert type(self.drop_privileges) is bool, "drop_privileges parameter should be a boolean."
    assert type(self.scale) is int, "scale parameter should be an int."
    assert type(self.videoCapture) is bool, "videoCapture parameter should be a boolean."
    assert type(self.videoName) is str, "videoName parameter should be a string."
    assert type(self.fps) is int, "fps parameter should be an int."
    assert type(self.debug) is bool, "debug parameter should be a boolean"
BNNorman commented 6 years ago

The values in are defaults for my panel. They are over ridden by values passed in using Panel.init() which, in turn get passed to (or the HZeller drivers.

Thanks for pointing out ‘cols’ – my panels are square so my focus was elsewhere and I forgot about that. I have amended to use cols which now should be passed in with Panel.Init(…)

You didn’t need to change if you changed (default values) – The values in are a hangover from when I first started writing the code – I have commented them out. And added cols to RGBMatrixOptions.

Note the changes are just default values Panel.init(…) can pass in anything it likes valid matrix parameters are extracted. Others, if not needed are ignored.



From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 10 February 2018 16:06 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

Ok perfect brian !

I was talking about each Led Module 64*64 1/32 scan not the entire screen , I have added "cols" property on options for matrix and modify :

in :



height=Options.rowsOptions.parallel width=Options.colsOptions.chain_length

in :

#pixelWidth = self.options.cols * self.options.parallel
#pixelHeight = self.options.rows * self.options.chain_length

pixelWidth = self.options.cols * self.options.chain_length
pixelHeight = self.options.rows * self.options.parallel

and for the simulator :

class RGBMatrixOptions(object): rows = 32 cols = 32 parallel = 2 chain_length = 2 gpio_slowdown = 2 # gets rid of flickering leds on my Pi3 drop_privileges = False # allow images to be loaded

a 64x64pixel display on screen is very small so we scale it up

scale = 10

video capture

videoCapture=False videoName="./HUB75 {width}x{height}.avi"


debug=False fps=100

def validate(self): assert type(self.parallel) is int, "parallel parameter should be an int." assert type(self.rows) is int, "rows parameter should be an int." assert type(self.cols) is int, "cols parameter should be an int." assert type(self.chain_length) is int, "chain_len parameter should be an int." assert type(self.gpio_slowdown) is int, "gpio_slowdown parameter should be an int." assert type(self.drop_privileges) is bool, "drop_privileges parameter should be a boolean." assert type(self.scale) is int, "scale parameter should be an int." assert type(self.videoCapture) is bool, "videoCapture parameter should be a boolean." assert type(self.videoName) is str, "videoName parameter should be a string." assert type(self.fps) is int, "fps parameter should be an int." assert type(self.debug) is bool, "debug parameter should be a boolean"

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

hello brian ,

i have now an error when i test the :

*** exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 98, in File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 98, in run animInfo.nextFrame(self.debug) File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 51, in nextFrame if self.animFunc.nextFrame(debug=self.debug, File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 302, in nextFrame self.step() File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 203, in step self.drawText() File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 188, in drawText self.font.drawText(self.textBuffer,origin,self.text.getText(),self.text.getFgColor(),self.lineType) TypeError: drawText() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)

can you help me ? i have this error both on simulator and Rpi

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Sounds like one of the files I uploaded hasn’t been updated on your machine – I added lineType to the end of all “def drawText()” parameters with default if LINE_8 in these files :-



In order to fix the LINE_AA issue.

Check all the def drawText(…) methods and add lineType=LINE_8 if it’s missing (it isn’t used by BDF but needed to be able to avoid messing about with if..else statements

From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 11 February 2018 15:50 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

hello brian ,

i have now an error when i test the :

*** exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 98, in File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 98, in run animInfo.nextFrame(self.debug) File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 51, in nextFrame if self.animFunc.nextFrame(debug=self.debug, File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 302, in nextFrame self.step() File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 203, in step self.drawText() File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 188, in drawText self.font.drawText(self.textBuffer,origin,self.text.getText(),self.text.getFgColor(),self.lineType) TypeError: drawText() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)

can you help me ? i have this error both on simulator and Rpi

Regards , Valentin

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BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Might be my fault – may not have pushed LEDAnimator\ – have just pushed it.

From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 11 February 2018 15:50 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

hello brian ,

i have now an error when i test the :

*** exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 98, in File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 98, in run animInfo.nextFrame(self.debug) File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 51, in nextFrame if self.animFunc.nextFrame(debug=self.debug, File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 302, in nextFrame self.step() File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 203, in step self.drawText() File "/home/pi/lib/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator/LEDAnimator/", line 188, in drawText self.font.drawText(self.textBuffer,origin,self.text.getText(),self.text.getFgColor(),self.lineType) TypeError: drawText() takes exactly 5 arguments (6 given)

can you help me ? i have this error both on simulator and Rpi

Regards , Valentin

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ValDY69 commented 6 years ago

Hello , ok now it's fully working for me without any spaces in the string !

i can close this issue.

Thank you brian for your work !

Regards , Valentin

BNNorman commented 6 years ago

Glad it’s useful

From: ValDY69 [] Sent: 12 February 2018 09:24 To: BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator Cc: Brian; Comment Subject: Re: [BNNorman/rpi-rgb-led-matrix-animator] Text Scrolling problem (#3)

Hello , ok now it's fully working for me without any spaces in the string !

i can close this issue.

Thank you brian for your work !

Regards , Valentin

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