BOLL7708 / OpenVR2Key

Simulates key presses from SteamVR input
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Using OpenVR2Key in Steamvr Dashboard #7

Open lucentone opened 3 years ago

lucentone commented 3 years ago

is it possible to use openvr2key with dashboard open --

it seems to work very well when dashboard is not actively open in all games.

but when looking at the desktop in dashboard it does not seem to register button/key presses.

is this a hard limit or a configuration issue on my end.

and thanks for this great piece of software.

BOLL7708 commented 3 years ago

It's using the new(er) input system of OpenVR/SteamVR and I'm not sure if it's even possible to keep it active during the dashboard or how to do it. I've put out a question to check with people that might know though. 🤔 I actually also want this but for one of my other applications, just figured it was impossible. 🤷‍♂️