BOLL7708 / SuperScreenShotterVR

Extends SteamVR screenshot functionality
32 stars 3 forks source link

Feature Request: Linux support #6

Open purplebar0 opened 1 year ago

purplebar0 commented 1 year ago

I understand the latest commit was over a year ago and that this may prove a challenge, but SteamVR on Linux, to this day, has no (native) way of taking screenshots.

Assuming that this software uses an implementation different from Valve's own, and could be made to work on Linux, it would be very beneficial for the Linux gaming community.

Additionally, the last usable version of Linux SteamVR builds is about 3 years old, and the latest updates aren't very promising, so even if Valve fixes that feature, it may take them even longer to keep up with the instability they caused over the years.

BOLL7708 commented 1 year ago

This is a .NET WPF application so I think it would need to be ported to a different UI library to build for Linux, unless it works with Wine, I don't actively use Linux much outside of admin servers over SSH and have not looked into how to do any of this 😅

Regarding how it takes screenshots, it is actually using the already available APIs for screenshots in SteamVR, so if those are unavailable on Linux it still wouldn't work, sadly 😥