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`foaf` files need reorganizing #14

Open kuzeko opened 4 years ago

kuzeko commented 4 years ago

The exiobase foaf file and the ystafdb foaf files have duplicate information, they both define bfoaf:bonsai a prov:Agent,

Also the exiobase foaf file defines the <> a dtype:Dataset ; instead of the <> a dtype:Dataset ; (or something similar)

A bonsai global foaf file is probably missing, while the two dataset specific should only contain information that is, indeed, dataset-specific

kuzeko commented 4 years ago

Also in all cases dc:publisher "" ;
should it be replaced with link to bfoaf:bonsai instead of a string

kuzeko commented 4 years ago

This is a good first issue, if someone else wants to fix, I am sure me and @IKnowLogic can double check the pull request :)