BONSAMURAIS / reproducibility

Work space for the reproducibility working group for BONSAI hackathon2019
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#ontology development - reproducibility objectives #2

Open bkuczenski opened 5 years ago

bkuczenski commented 5 years ago

Review the work in the area of ontology development and RDF, and brainstorm about specific reproducibility objectives.

You can do work right here in the comment / discussion area for the issue, or commit code/documents to the repository.

kuzeko commented 5 years ago

A couple of concrete tasks that may be under the umbrella of reproducibility (?):

In the BONSAI-ontology-RDF-framework we have an example folder. Each example (in its ttl format) has on the top the natural language description of the fact(s) that it is describing and then the TTL description of the same. It should be true that: