BONSAMURAIS / reproducibility

Work space for the reproducibility working group for BONSAI hackathon2019
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Correspondence Tables - reproducibility objectives #3

Open bkuczenski opened 5 years ago

bkuczenski commented 5 years ago

Review the proposed work around Correspondence Tables and EXIOBASE and brainstorm about specific reproducibility objectives.

You can do work right here in the comment / discussion area for the issue, or commit code/documents to the repository.

mfastudillo commented 5 years ago

I had a very quick look to some of the tables, I think they need some cleaning and more standard format (e.g. first row the header). Some of the things that come to mind

mfastudillo commented 5 years ago

It occurs to me that we should be able to apply the FAIR principles to exiobase and that should facilitate the expression of the database in RDF... We could script something to transform the data as downloaded from the website, into something that can be more "readily digested" by our tools. Does it make sense? Which working group would be working with this?

To be Findable:

cdgaete commented 5 years ago

Hi Miguel,

I am also in this group, actually, I know how to code with python, but I am not a software developer, so I am not familiar with this stuff (reproducibility), and unfortunately, two weeks ago I received reviews from journals of two papers I submitted some time ago, therefore, I did not have much time to study about reproducibility. I have read your post, and it makes a lot of sense, so please if you have a much clear idea, share it with me tomorrow so we can start hands on the project. As I am more familiar with Entso-e I am working on that now.

bkuczenski commented 5 years ago

Miguel, I think it would be our group that would be in charge of attaining FAIR standards :) This strikes me as another "during hackathon" issue! #8