BONSAMURAIS / triple-store

Competency questions and content related to the Bonsai RDF triple-store backend: Apache Jena
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Triple-store deliverables (hackathon) #1

Open tmillross opened 5 years ago

tmillross commented 5 years ago

Tasks are grouped under headers for 1. widget-related, 2. non-widget-related, 3. links to stretch goals in separate issues.

Hackathon widget deliverable


Data Loading

Download and export page

Non-widget hackathon deliverables

SPARQL endpoint


Stretch goals

Stored in separate issues to not impact the progress bars See #4

Data versioning Raw data stored in a separate graph from resolved data conceptual work needed for the provenance of derived data?

mmr2187 commented 5 years ago

I think we're waiting for the final version of the ontology to be able to do the imports right? or do we just do the mapping afterwards?

tmillross commented 5 years ago

Yup. I think the dependencies are...

  1. ontology draft ready
  2. data (instances) following that ontology

Then when that data needs to be stored: we should ideally be ready to receive it immediately. Presumably using the existing Jena instance at Aalborg. Do you (or anyone?) know the details about that? IP, credentials etc.?

mmr2187 commented 5 years ago

nope, no details for that from me. perhaps ask in #general in slack.

kuzeko commented 5 years ago

The ontology should be ready to be loaded. Please import it in named graph <>

Also, there should be somewhere the named graph for the output of the correspondance table data I guess