BONSAMURAIS / triple-store

Competency questions and content related to the Bonsai RDF triple-store backend: Apache Jena
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How to QUERY Geonames as remote #14

Open kuzeko opened 5 years ago

kuzeko commented 5 years ago

The following query should return names of location from geonames

PREFIX gn: <>
PREFIX bont: <>

    ?a bont:location ?loc .
    BIND( IRI(?loc) as ?g) .
    BIND ( CONCAT(?loc, "/about.rdf") as ?ser) .
    ?g gn:shortName ?name .

at the moment this seems not to be possible

mmr2187 commented 5 years ago

I'll check this out tomorrow, Friday or during the weekend.

mmr2187 commented 5 years ago

Ah, the geonames should be in the db for it to be queryable?