BPA-CSIRO-Workshops / btp-manuals-md

This contains all material for Markdown version of BTP workshops
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Additional things required. #1

Open gkphilip opened 7 years ago

gkphilip commented 7 years ago

1) Text for welcoming page 2) License files 3) Logos 4) One template configuration YAML file for each of the different types of workshops so they display the correct pages 5) One template timetable for each workshop type (cancer genomics has been done already) 6) Trainers page with pictures 7) The material theme can also be edited/overwritten according to the needs of the BTP: https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/getting-started/#cloning-from-github 8) Author information for each module (to be added after the "Resources You’ll be Using" and "Links", and before the "Introduction") 9) How to access the VM at your host institute on NeCTAR or AWS (https://github.com/BPA-CSIRO-Workshops/btp-orchestration#nectar-1)

gkphilip commented 7 years ago

Also, we have not yet figured out how we will only show the answers at a later stage. they are currently hidden so we still may need to have questions and answers md files maintained unless there is some way to figure out how to only show answers at a later stage. See this: https://github.com/facelessuser/pymdown-extensions/issues/90

gkphilip commented 7 years ago

A license needs to be added to the github repo: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-license-to-a-repository