BPRateiro / MTGA-s-standard-meta-analysis

Magic: The Gathering Arena's standard format analysis from individual card information.
MIT License
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Exploratory data analysis #5

Open BPRateiro opened 1 year ago

BPRateiro commented 1 year ago
KunalSharma2001 commented 1 year ago

Hey, can you tell me th3 data to use ? Or I can use any data, like currently working on a sales-forecasting project. So, if you can tell me the data to use, it would be great.

BPRateiro commented 1 year ago

Hello. I'm not sure if I understood your question. Data comes from the table in this page plus individual card information. I'm working on creating a script from this notebook, where I simply concatenate multiple JSONs into the final table I wanted.

KunalSharma2001 commented 1 year ago

Hey, I checked the data and the scrapper that you created. Do you wish to use the environment and create an NB in the same and use it here itself?

BPRateiro commented 1 year ago

No, reading and storing the data will be separate from the analysis. It will all be stored in a DB. I'm currently working on normalizing the data.