Training will fail when using larger batch:
SystemError: (Fatal) Operator set_value raises an thrust::system::system_error exception. The exception content is :parallel_for failed: cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration: invalid configuration argument. (at /paddle/paddle/fluid/imperative/
Error: Training will fail when using larger batch:
SystemError: (Fatal) Operator set_value raises an thrust::system::system_error exception. The exception content is :parallel_for failed: cudaErrorInvalidConfiguration: invalid configuration argument. (at /paddle/paddle/fluid/imperative/
Reason: The reason is explained by the following issues from PaddlePaddle:
In short, this error is raised because of cuda thrust bug, which is ignored in newer version cuda.
Solution: install paddle dev version will fix the problem. You will find the following instructions of how to install it:
In detail, the problem is fixed by the following patch: