BRACKETS-by-TRIAD / craftable

Admin panel builder / CRUD generator for Laravel.
MIT License
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Craftable Install aborts installation #418

Closed stoyanoff2020 closed 1 year ago

stoyanoff2020 commented 1 year ago

Got this end of install 3 times. Checked file form.blade.php in Github repo (This one: and it seems really have one additional '@' at line 99?

Please check and correct me if I'm wrong.

The error I get:

In 588e9d47f217c8dfeb09f354d0e4e48bf8a92abc.php line 99:

syntax error, unexpected token "endforeach", expecting "elseif" or "else" or "endif" (View: /var/www/html/vendor/brackets/admin-generator/resources/views/templates/admin-user/form.blade.php)                                                                                                                                                                                  

In 588e9d47f217c8dfeb09f354d0e4e48bf8a92abc.php line 99:                                                                                        
  syntax error, unexpected token "endforeach", expecting "elseif" or "else" or "endif"  

rabol commented 1 year ago

I got the same - let's hope the pro version is out soon so this version can get some love :)

rabol commented 1 year ago

looks like there is a @ too much in /vendor/brackets/admin-generator/resources/views/templates/admin-user/form.blade.php line 85 and line 99

palypster commented 1 year ago

Guys, I had only couple of minutes so I did a quick look. I don't think you're right. Double @@ is on purpose - the idea was that generator will generate the form.blade.php file for a model (during installation for admin-user) and if such model has a JSONB column, we treat is as a translatable column, so we need to generate the foreach code. But if installation breaks for you, then I guess something is wrong, but it's not it I think.

Can you provide info:

We have to dive deeper into it.

stoyanoff2020 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the reply. Installation that triggers that alert is made on fresh new project by running step by step (couple of times :-) ) as described on the website. I'm comfortable with Laravel, Sail and so on. Installation is running ok, selecting mysql, all dependancies are installed, then when starting generate admin part it fails with the error stated above.

Hellsingoff commented 1 year ago

Same here.

Clean installed sail (pgsql) with breeze.

sammyblackbaron commented 1 year ago

And me - same error. If I remove the lines mentioned above (85 to 99 in /vendor/brackets/admin-generator/resources/views/templates/admin-user/form.blade.php) and then run craftable install, it completes. Clearly that's not a solution going forward though.

chillnet commented 1 year ago

I am also getting the same error. I first tried installing craftable on a new Laravel 9 project using sail (MariaDB, Redis, and mail pit). I then deleted the project and utilized craftable to create a new project from scratch. Both scenarios ended up with the same result and error.

Package brackets/admin-auth installed
   INFO  Nothing to migrate.

Deleting previous files finished.
Generating App\Http\Controllers\Admin\AdminUsersController finished
Generating App\Http\Requests\Admin\AdminUser\IndexAdminUser finished
Generating App\Http\Requests\Admin\AdminUser\StoreAdminUser finished
Generating App\Http\Requests\Admin\AdminUser\UpdateAdminUser finished
Generating App\Http\Requests\Admin\AdminUser\DestroyAdminUser finished
Generating App\Http\Requests\Admin\AdminUser\ImpersonalLoginAdminUser finished
Generating /var/www/html/resources/views/admin/admin-user/index.blade.php finished
Generating /var/www/html/resources/js/admin/admin-user/Listing.js finished
Appending Listing to /var/www/html/resources/js/admin/admin-user/index.js finished

In 588e9d47f217c8dfeb09f354d0e4e48bf8a92abc.php line 99:

  syntax error, unexpected token "endforeach", expecting "elseif" or "else" or "endif" (View: /var/www/html/vendor/bra

In 588e9d47f217c8dfeb09f354d0e4e48bf8a92abc.php line 99:

  syntax error, unexpected token "endforeach", expecting "elseif" or "else" or "endif"

palypster commented 1 year ago

Okay, I have reported an issue to the laravel, as long as they probably broke it with one of those latest releases:

Anyway, I fixed it in our package by using different approach:

palypster commented 1 year ago

let's hope the pro version is out soon
