Lunch localhost is no problem
on production
Unable to render this definition
The provided definition does not specify a valid version field.
Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field. Supported version fields are swagger: "2.0" and those that match openapi: 3.0.n (for example, openapi: 3.0.0).
Lunch localhost is no problem but on production Unable to render this definition The provided definition does not specify a valid version field.
Please indicate a valid Swagger or OpenAPI version field. Supported version fields are swagger: "2.0" and those that match openapi: 3.0.n (for example, openapi: 3.0.0).
config: const options = { info: { version: '1.0.0', title: 'My Docs', description: 'API (Staging)', }, servers: [ { "url": siteUrl + '/dev/app1/', "description": "(App1)" }, { "url": siteUrl + '/dev/app2/', "description": "(App2)" }, ], baseDir: __dirname, filesPattern: './*/.js', swaggerUIPath: '/api/docs', }
how to fixed?
Thaks, iCue