BRL-CAD / brlcad

BRL-CAD is a powerful cross-platform open source combinatorial solid modeling system
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need option to disable rt_regionfix #101

Open kennethsdavis opened 10 months ago

kennethsdavis commented 10 months ago

Using the API, it would be nice to prevent rt_prep_parallel from calling rt_regionfix. The default behavior of rt_regionfix is to look for a model.regexp file in the same folder as model.g and use it to re-number the regions defined in model.g. This feature allows users to modify developer-delivered models to affect application output.

kennethsdavis commented 8 months ago

@brlcad regionfix.c@74 looks to be a suitable candidate for the solution to this request. Currently rt_regionfix treats as an error the inability to open a given path to a REGEXP file. If this call to perror were replaced with a call to bu_log, then API users could effectively ignore the error condition.