BRL-CAD / brlcad

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Help with nirt command. #148

Open bentleyeglin opened 1 month ago

bentleyeglin commented 1 month ago

I have read the nirt documentation and it makes no sense to me. Maybe someone with more knowledge can help. I would like to feed nirt an xyz origination point and an ae (azimuth and elevation) and have nirt return if it hit the geometry and what the xyz is where it intersected. I'm going to script this to feed it a file containing x y z a e.

Is this possible with nirt or is there a better way?

bentleyeglin commented 1 month ago

This one took me a while to get, but I finally got it. The manual was just not clicking with me. Anyway, to fire a nirt at a target using x,y,z and Az,El I found the following command to work: nirt -b -s -e "xyz $x $y $z; ae $az $el; s; q" model.g all