BRUHItsABunny / go-android-firebase

Library to interact with firebase the android way
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Issue when many incoming messages #2

Open developerfromjokela opened 8 months ago

developerfromjokela commented 8 months ago

panic: proto.Unmarshal: proto: cannot parse invalid wire-format data

goroutine 39 [running]: /go/pkg/mod/!b!r!u!h!its!a!bunny/go-android-firebase@v0.1.0/client/mtalk.go:92 +0x65 created by in goroutine 19 /go/pkg/mod/!b!r!u!h!its!a!bunny/go-android-firebase@v0.1.0/client/mtalk.go:84 +0x30a

adriancable commented 3 months ago

@developerfromjokela - experiencing the same issue. Did you ever find a resolution?

BRUHItsABunny commented 3 months ago

What rate of incoming messages does it take to recreate this?

I haven't been able to recreate this, any help with that will allow me to check it out.

adriancable commented 3 months ago

I think the issue is due to TCP packet fragmentation which becomes more likely as packet rate increases. Client would need to buffer and reassemble partial message fragments to avoid this.

BRUHItsABunny commented 3 months ago

Not saying that it isn't TCP fragmentation, it very well can be but isn't TCP fragmentation usually handled on the OS TCP stack?

My knowledge on raw TCP isn't very extensive, I will do some more research

adriancable commented 3 months ago

I used a bad term. You are right that it is likely not IP fragmentation. Let me be more precise.

In general you cannot assume that when you read data from a socket, you will get exactly one protobuf message. gRPC servers buffer output data: below a low water mark (when total service utilisation is low), the server will combine small consecutive packets into single TCP packets to improve efficiency. Above a high water mark (when total service utilisation is high) the server will split packets to get them onto the wire faster, to reduce pressure on the buffer. This latter situation is what is happening occasionally and causing the panic. But you need to handle cases where you might receive less than one message, one message, or more than one message at a time.

developerfromjokela commented 3 months ago

@developerfromjokela - experiencing the same issue. Did you ever find a resolution?

Not unfortunately, I don't use it because of this issue.

developerfromjokela commented 3 months ago

But @BRUHItsABunny it would be nice to fix this issue, my usecase involved receiving many push notifications at the same time in some situations, so quite busy.