BSA-US / dual-power-app

The Dual Power App is an app for democratic digital organizing and secure social networking that provides frameworks for the building of direct democracy in every single sphere of society, with tools for organization founding, funding, governance, and internal + external communications.
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**Wiki:** Appendix #12

Closed replygirl closed 4 years ago

replygirl commented 4 years ago
replygirl commented 4 years ago

From @geetotes in #11:

Here's a first pass at some definitions for the wiki appendix


Worker Cooperative

A business owned by workers. Workers contribute labor to the cooperative and pariticpate in its financial success. Management decisions are democratic, on the priniciple of one worker, one vote.

Small Business Development Center

Private consulting to start and grow small businesses.

Community Land Trust

Community land trusts are a way to ensure long-term housing affordability. Instead of buying a home, prospective homeowners enter into a long-term lease with the community land trust. When it comes time to "sell", the homeowner is given a portion of the property value from the community land trust.

By seperating housing from land, the land trust preserves the affordability of a neighborhood.

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Dual Power

Dual Power is a strategy, rather than an ideology, that builds alternative institutions grounded in direct democracy to confront the failures of the capitalist state. By both building these instituations and orgaizing them, we can build a grassroots base of dual power to challenge the existing base of state and capitalist power.

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Dual Power Project

Some examples of past and present real-world dual power projects:

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Solidarity Economy

An economic foundation that seeks to improve the quality of life of a community on the basis of solidarity. A solidarity economy strengthens dual power institutions.

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Cooperation Jackson

A network of cooperatives and worker-owned, democratically self-managed enterprieses in Jackson Mississippi.

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Founded in 2018, Black Socialists in America (BSA) is a coalition of anticapitalist, internationalist Black Americans who believe that the workers should control the means of production in a democratic and decentralized fashion (see here).

We are a nonsectarian, "Scientific Socialist" organization (see here) made up of people who identify as many different things under the “Hard Left” umbrella, however we do not support egoists or insurrectionists, nor do we support highly centralized leadership (see here) or State Capitalism (see here and here).

2ndline commented 4 years ago

Looks good, but I don't seem to have the ability to approve, just "comment" and "close and comment"

replygirl commented 4 years ago

only PRs are approved—i’m working on adding this to the wiki now plus some detail, which i think also doesn’t use PRs. we’d close once we’re satisfied with the appendix which might take a few more cycles of adding depth

replygirl commented 4 years ago

It's all in there!!

13 should document a standard and process for keeping general organization knowledge in sync across both wikis.