BSData / Horus-Heresy-Legions-Imperialis

Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis
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[Anon] Bug report: Legiones Astartes.catz #23

Closed BSDataAnon closed 7 months ago

BSDataAnon commented 7 months ago

File: Legiones Astartes.catz

BattleScribe version: 2.03.27

Platform: Android

Dropbox: Yes

Description: I am attempting to make a list for the Astartes from the starter box bit i am not finding the Contemptor Dreadnoughts anywhere. Are they in the file or do they still need to be added?

TrentBartlem commented 7 months ago

Legion Dreadnought Talon is a Support detachment that consists of four Contemptor Dreadnaughts. It has been in the list since release. Have you updated to a current version?

Dunamis55 commented 7 months ago

Not a Bug / Working as Intended - Contemptor Dreadnoughts are a part of the Legion Dreadnought Talon.