BSData / Horus-Heresy-Legions-Imperialis

Horus Heresy: Legions Imperialis
8 stars 2 forks source link

Solar Auxilia - Malcador Tanks #27

Closed preastham closed 7 months ago

preastham commented 7 months ago

The points cost of the Malcador Tank is broken if it is in an Armoured Company which also includes a Leman Russ Detachment

On their own the Malcador tank costs 165 points, however once included with a leman russ detachment the cost jumps to 295 points, then up to 365 points when the 1st compulsory upgrade is included and 405 points when both upgrades are setup !!

TrentBartlem commented 7 months ago

I believe this is covered by issue #26

TrentBartlem commented 7 months ago

Fixed in v1.0.5