BSData / bsdata

BattleScribe data file hosting platform
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Change non-local information #161

Closed MJHastings closed 7 years ago

MJHastings commented 7 years ago


I do not know and cannot see how to change/create non-local information such as Profiles and Rules.

Can someone point me in the correct direction please.


Matt H

XWingDrLucky commented 7 years ago

Ever since the upgrade to 2.X, we've been able to put anything (entries, rules, profiles, etc) in the GST file rather than in individual CAT files. That's helpful if the same unit/upgrade/rule appears in more than one faction's army list for your game system. If you are editing a catalogue and something is showing as non-local, it means that item is actually in the game system file (and thus accessible to all catalogues built on that game system). Understand that changing it in the GST will affect all catalogues.

MJHastings commented 7 years ago

Perfect. Yes that's an extremely helpful and thoughtful tool and I will of course be careful in what I add or change (mainly annoying typos!).

Thank you for the help.