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Let's add Warlord Traits to Battlescribe! #1744

Closed Tomakokamikaze closed 3 years ago

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

I know there may be reasons not to do this, but I really think it would help a lot of people

I will list them all here to save you time should you choose to do it

]->General Warlord Traits from the AoD Rulebook (pg 136) (special rules in Italic where needed to add them)

->Command Traits: -1: Inspiring Presence: Friendly units within 12" of the Warlord can use the Warlord's Leadership rather than their own. -2: Intimidating Presence: Enemy units within 12" of the Warlord must use their lowest leadership value, not the highest. -3: The Dust of a Thousand Worlds: Your Warlord, and all friendly units within 12", have the Move Through Cover special rule. -4: Master of the Vanguard: Your Warlord, and all friendly units within 12", add 1" to the distance that they can move when they Run or Charge. -5: Target Priority: In the Shooting phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of the Warlord re-roll To Hit rolls of 1. -6: Coordinated Assault: In the Assault phase, your Warlord and all friendly units within 12" of the Warlord re-roll To Hit rolls of 1.

->Personal Traits: -1: Master of Defense: Your Warlord has the Counter-attack special rule. -2: Master of Offence: Your Warlord has the Furious Charge special rule. -3: Master of Manouvre: Your Warlord has the Outflank special rule. -4: Legendary Fighter: Your Warlord gains 1 victory point for each enemy character slain by your Warlord in a challange. -5: Tenacity: Your Warlord has the Feel No Pain special rule. -6: Immovable Object: your Warlord has the Fearless and It Will Not Die special rules.

->Strategic Traits: -1: Conqueror of Cities: Your units have the Move Through Cover special rule if moving through Ruins, and the Stealth (Ruins) special rule. -2: Night Attacker: If you choose to use the Night Fighting rules in your game, there is no need to roll - it is night on the first turn, and all models in your army have the Night Vision special rule. -3: Master of Ambush: Your Warlord and three non-vehicle units of your choice have the Infiltrate special rule. -4: Strategic Genius: You add +1 to any Seize the Initiative roll. In addition, whilst your Warlord is alive, you can re-roll any Reserve rolls (failed or successful). -5: Divide to Conquer: Whilst your Warlord is alive, your opponent has a -1 modifier to their Reserve rolls. -6: Princeps of Deceit: At the start of your opponent's first turn, pick three units in the enemy army. Each of there units must take a Pinning Test.

]->Solar Auxilia Regiments Warlord Traits (CIAL pg 12)

-1: Uncanny Survivor: The Warlord gains the Eternal Warrior special rule. -2: Shattering Bombardment: While the Warlord is alive, select a single weapon in a unit within 6" of them in the Shooting phase that has the Ordnance special rule. That weapon counts as being Twin-Linked for this player turn. -3: Bitter Blood: When fighting in a challenge, the Warlord gains the Hatred special rule. -4: Blind Barrage: The Warlord's controlling player may choose to unleash a Blind bombardment at the start of the game. If this is done, all friendly Solar Auxilia units gain the Shrouded special rule for the duration of the first game turn only. -5: Void Master: The Warlord gains the Stubborn special rule, and they and any unit they join gains the Move Through Cover special rule. -6: Siege Master: At the start of the game, after deployment but before the game begins, nominate a single piece of terrain in the enemy's deployment zone (note that this cannot be a Fortification purchased for their army). The cover save provided by this terrain is lowered (ie, made worse) by -1 (eg, 5+ becoming 6+, etc).

]->Imperialis Militia Warlord Traits (CIAL pg 70)

-1: Ruthless Tyrant: The Warlord has +1 Leadership (to a maximum of 9). In addition, the army's controlling player may re-roll failed Reserves rolls so long as the Warlord is on the table when the roll is made. -2: Merchant Princeling: One squad of the owning player’s choice with the Infantry type counts all of their ranged weapons as having an AP of 1 better than normal for their type (AP 6 becoming AP 5, etc). -3: Beloved of the People: Should the Warlord ever be removed as a casualty, all of their owning player’s Troops units from the army’s Primary Detachment with the Infantry type gain the Hatred special rule for the remainder of the game. -4: Marcher Lord: The Warlord has the Implacable Advance special rule (meaning they count as a scoring unit in Battles in the Age of Darkness games), and has the Stubborn special rule within 3" of an Objective marker. -5: Connoisseur of Alien Curios: The Warlord causes Fear and has the It Will Not Die special rule. -6: Robber Baron: The Warlord and any infantry unit they join may opt to voluntarily fail any Morale check they are called on to take and may re-roll any Run or Fall Back distance roll they make.

]->Questoris Knight Crusade Army Warlord Traits (CIAL pg 103)

-1: Hell Rider: The Knight Warlord and all other Knights in their detachment within 12" gain +1" to their Movement and +1 on any To Wound and Armour Penetration rolls on the first turn of the game. -2: Glorious Renown: Fear tests taken against the Knight Warlord suffer a -2 penalty to the Leadership value, while allied units within 12" may re-roll failed Morale checks. -3: Favoured of Mars: One of the Knight Warlord’s weapons, chosen by the owning player, gains the Master Crafted special rule. -4: Lord of the Abyss: The Knight Warlord gains the Monster Hunter and Adamantium Will special rules. -5: Puissant Commander: The owning player may add +1 to their Seize the Initiative roll in missions where this is relevant, and while the Knight Warlord is on the table, enemy Reserves rolls suffer a -1 modifier. -6: Indomitable: The Knight Warlord gains the It Will Not Die special rule.

]->Mechanicum Warlord Traits (MTAL pg 15)

-1: Master of Mechanisms: Select one unit of Monstrous Creatures or a single vehicle squadron with at least one Armour value of 12 or higher in the same detachment as the Warlord. That unit gains the It Will Not Die special rule. -2: Perfected Targeting: While your Warlord is alive, select a single weapon that either they are carrying or that is being used by a unit within 6" of them in the Shooting phase with the Heavy type. That weapon counts as being Twin-linked for this turn. -3: Predictive Augury: The Warlord, and any unit they have joined, hits on a 5 or 6 when firing Overwatch. -4: TheDeath of Flesh: All units within the detachment have the Preferred Enemy (Infantry – all types) while within 3" of an objective. -5: Dread Rites: The Warlord, and any unit they join, both cause Fear and are immune to its effects (Fearless), and have the Adamantium Will special rule. -6: Battlefield Analysis: At the start of the game after deployment but before the battle begins, nominate a single piece of terrain in the enemy’s deployment zone. The cover save provided by this terrain is lowered (ie, made worse) by -1 (5+ becoming 6+, and so on).

]->Space Marine Legion Warlord Traits (LAAoDAL pg 15)

-1: Bloody-handed: The Warlord and any unit with the Legiones Astartes special rule they join cause Fear. -2: Master Tactician: After both sides are deployed but before which side gets the first turn is determined, the Warlord’s side may redeploy one of their units within the limitations of the mission being played. This may place a unit that had been deployed normally into Reserve, or bring a unit out of Reserve. -3: World Burner: The Warlord may nominate D3 units within their Primary Detachment, which these are must be marked down before the game begins. Any Template or Blast weapons possessed by these units gain the Shred special rule if they did not already have it. -4: Paladin of Glory: The Warlord has the Fearless special rule, and both the Warlord and any unit with the Legiones Astartes special rule with models within 6" of the Warlord may add +1 to the Wounds score calculated to see if they win combat in the Assault phase. -5: Void Walker: The Warlord gains the Adamantium Will special rule and one nominated infantry unit gains the Deep Strike special rule. -6: Child of Terra: The Warlord and any unit they join with the Legiones Astartes special rule may re-roll any failed To Wound rolls of 1 in close combat.

Also, just a quick question: can we add allied matrix to BS? I feel we could add, when we have 2 different detachments, the following rules:

Sworn Brothers: The closest of allies who have fought beside each other many times. The two forces are considered ‘friendly units’ in all regards. This means, for example, that Sworn Brothers may be joined by allied independent characters, are treated as friendly units for the targeting of psychic powers, special abilities, Warlord Traits and so on, and may also benefit from nuncio-vox carried by allied units. Note: Not even Sworn Brothers can embark in allied transport vehicles, and rules that affect a particular force owing to its Legiones Astartes special rule do not carry over to an allied force.

Fellow Warriors: The two forces are willing to fight together for common cause against their foes. Units in your army treat Fellow Warriors as not being a part of their army with the exception that they may not be deliberately targeted, attacked, targeted with psychic powers, etc, (note that blasts, psychic powers and the like may still scatter over allied forces and adversely affect them). Fellow Warriors cannot benefit from the effects of allied Warlord Traits or be joined by allied independent characters and are not counted as friendly units for the purposes of psychic powers. In essence, the two forces fight alongside each other without any additional positive or negative effect.

Distrusted Allies: The two forces can make common cause against an enemy, but never fully trust each other due to a long-standing feud or inherent antipathy. They are treated exactly like Fellow Warriors except that the allied units are never counted as scoring units.

By the Emperor’s (or the Warmaster’s) Command: The two forces will only ever fight beside each other in the direst of circumstances or by the direct command of their overlord, be they the Emperor or the Warmaster. The two forces are dealt with as Distrusted Allies, but, in addition, at the start of each of the player’s Movement phases, a D6 must be rolled for every unit (except those already engaged in combat) within 6" of an allied unit. On a 1, that unit may not move, shoot, run or assault that turn (being too busy watching for betrayal). Make a note or place a counter o show which units have been so affected.

image (Notice some allies trust is not reciprocate)

Mayegelt commented 4 years ago

The Allies Matrix isn't just not matched there... image

The biggest issue with the Allies matrix is that it has no key... So it is that Alpha Legion thing Imperial Army are Sworn Brothers, and Army thing Alpha are Fellow Warriors. OR is it the other way around. Obvs same with all the other 10 (DA/DG, IW/UM, IW/Sal, WS/DG, WS/SoH, NL/DG, BA/WE, BA/DG, BA/SoH, IH/SoH)

As for Warlord Traits. They are kinda already in the files for LA... Though ATM they are only in the Mournival Units Legion Astartes files and then only for custom characters (as they get to pick under those rules). So wouldn't be to hard for me to move it over. Though some are modified in Mourn. The issue has been with the warlord traits, is that you don;t pick them (or at least it is rare to do so). As such in making the army list, you can't preselect. Same goes for Psychic powers. They could of course all be put in to the files, but it will expand the blar blar at the bottom by a large amount to include them all. Which I frequently choose different ones to go for.

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

@Mayegelt well, based on the Lore I would make the assumption liek this image for example: ->We know that the Dark Angels (specificly Luther) considers the Death Guard an old ally, while the Death doesnt give 2 shits about them either way ->We know the Iron Warriors consider the Sons of Horus friends, while the Sons of Horus don't exactly care about the Iron Warriors ->White Scars love the Sons of Horus, while the SoH dont really care about the scars ->Imperial Army trust the Alpha Legion because they are Astartes (and are better than World Eaters or Night Lords), while the Alpha Legion itself doesn't trust anyone, I might be wrong, but I read all the HH books so far (the Black Library ones), and I think these is a safe assumption to have.

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

As for Warlord traits, I don't know how people play in your club, but in mine more than half the people just use BS on their phone to check the rules, so it wouldn't be much trouble to add it as the game begins, or just to be able to check it quickly. also there are characters that can choose their WT so this would help that.

Also, there are Zone Mortalis specific Warlord Traits that would be nice to add:

Defender Warlord Traits: -1: Command Access: At the beginning of the Movement phase, a single bulkhead door in the Warlord's line of sight may be opened or closed. The Warlord may not be engaged in an assault when this Trait is used. -2: Ship-wide Alert: So long as the Warlord is in play at the start of the turn, the Defender may add +1 to the result of all Reserves rolls. -3: Dominus Lux, Dominus Nox: When the Warlord is occupying a Zone Mortalis tile section, that entire section may be subjected to the Night Fighting special rule if the controlling player wishes. Conversely, if the Night Fighting special rule is already is play, it may be reversed in that tile only. The use of this ability is declared at the beginning of the controlling player's turn. -4: Masters of all they Survey: The Warlord and their unit have the Move Through Cover special rule. -5: Grav Repellor Access: At the beginning of the game turn, the controlling player may declare that the entire Zone Mortalis tile section on which the Warlord is placed count as difficult terrain. If it is already difficult terrain, it becomes dangerous terrain as well. -6: Purge Order:** Once per game, so long as the Warlord is in play, instead of rolling as normal on the Catastrophic Damage - Blood in the Void table on page 186, the controlling player may declare that the Depressurization result applies to a section of their choice.

Attacker Warlord Traits: -1: Tip of the Spear: The Warlord counts as a scoring unit. -2: Ferocious Assault: Any enemy who makes a Reaction Fire test when charged by the Warlord and their unit must roll two D6 and discard the highest result. -3: Master of Ordnance: If the Warlord is in play, when a roll is made on the Catastrophic Damage - Blood in the Void table, the controlling player may add +1 or subtract -1 from the result. -4: Teleport Assault Veteran: When entering play by Deep Strike, the Warlord and their unit do not roll to Scatter. -5: Steady Presence: The Warlord and their unit are immune to the effects of the Blind Panic special rule. -6: Sixth Sense: The Warlord and their unit may avoid any damage effect caused by a Catastrophic Damage result by passing an Initiative test. If the test is failed, determine the damage as described.

Also there is the whole section of Zone Mortalis Stratagems, but that might be a another issue completely.

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

you might have noticed I'm a big fan of Zone Mortalis

Mayegelt commented 4 years ago

Brown = Sworn Brother Black = Fellow Warriors Grey = Distrusted Allies Red = By the Emperor's / Warlord's Command

The 2 options are...

Left = Your Legion, Top equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Fellow Warriors with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Night Lords = Sworn Brothers with Death Guard Blood Angels = Distrusted Allies with World Eaters and Death Guard, Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Distrusted Allies with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Fellow Warriors with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Distrusted Allies with Dark Angels and White Scars, Fellow Warriors with Night Lords and Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Blood Angels, Fellow Warriors with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Fellow Warriors with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Sworn Brothers with Alpha Legion

Top = Your Legion, Left equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Distrusted Allies with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard & Sons of Horus Night Lords = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Blood Angels = Fellow Warriors with World Eaters and Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Fellow Warriors with Dark Angels and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Night Lords, Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors and Blood Angels, Sworn Brothers White Scars, Distrusted Allies with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Sworn Brothers with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Fellow Warriors with Alpha Legion

However, as much as I would love to know if the code is 1 way or the other, but it isn't and i would prefer not to put what I think is the right one on there, and people will no doubt complain saying it is the other way.

As for the Warlord traits stuff. If i was to add them I would need to work out an appropriate way to add them. Likely chance is that it would be a yet another primary category (which we already have a load of). It would also need a way of removing the option to select it based on a ton of characters and primarchs with pre-selected ones. Then adding in a complication of some characters "Must" be the warlord if taken, or must be unless the primarch is there.. In addition to that, some would be easy to trigger such as Spacewolves only ones. HOWEVER ones like ZM ones become a bit more of a pain, as it seems you can't always get it to register which force org you are using.

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

I would put the WT together with Legion, Rites of War, and stuff. You can leave it blank for Primarchs and stuff. and then we trust people to know when to pick them, we put the Zone Mortalis ones as Zone Mortalis (Only for ZM games)

kinda like it is on 8/9ed but with no constraints

ghost commented 4 years ago

Add a Warlord Trait Category, and tag then move any from under the special characters that have them, with a show/hide based on the character being present?

On Sat, Aug 15, 2020, 4:14 PM Mayegelt wrote:

Brown = Sworn Brother Black = Fellow Warriors Grey = Distrusted Allies Red = By the Emperor's / Warlord's Command

The 2 options are...

Left = Your Legion, Top equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Fellow Warriors with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Night Lords = Sworn Brothers with Death Guard Blood Angels = Distrusted Allies with World Eaters and Death Guard, Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Distrusted Allies with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Fellow Warriors with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Distrusted Allies with Dark Angels and White Scars, Fellow Warriors with Night Lords and Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Blood Angels, Fellow Warriors with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Fellow Warriors with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Sworn Brothers with Alpha Legion

Top = Your Legion, Left equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Distrusted Allies with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard & Sons of Horus Night Lords = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Blood Angels = Fellow Warriors with World Eaters and Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Fellow Warriors with Dark Angels and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Night Lords, Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors and Blood Angels, Sworn Brothers White Scars, Distrusted Allies with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Sworn Brothers with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Fellow Warriors with Alpha Legion

However, as much as I would love to know if the code is 1 way or the other, but it isn't and i would prefer not to put what I think is the right one on there, and people will no doubt complain saying it is the other way.

As for the Warlord traits stuff. If i was to add them I would need to work out an appropriate way to add them. Likely chance is that it would be a yet another primary category (which we already have a load of). It would also need a way of removing the option to select it based on a ton of characters and primarchs with pre-selected ones. Then adding in a complication of some characters "Must" be the warlord if taken, or must be unless the primarch is there..

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Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

Add a Warlord Trait Category, and tag then move any from under the special characters that have them, with a show/hide based on the character being present? On Sat, Aug 15, 2020, 4:14 PM Mayegelt @.***> wrote: Brown = Sworn Brother Black = Fellow Warriors Grey = Distrusted Allies Red = By the Emperor's / Warlord's Command The 2 options are... Left = Your Legion, Top equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Fellow Warriors with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Night Lords = Sworn Brothers with Death Guard Blood Angels = Distrusted Allies with World Eaters and Death Guard, Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Distrusted Allies with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Fellow Warriors with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Distrusted Allies with Dark Angels and White Scars, Fellow Warriors with Night Lords and Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Blood Angels, Fellow Warriors with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Fellow Warriors with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Sworn Brothers with Alpha Legion Top = Your Legion, Left equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Distrusted Allies with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard & Sons of Horus Night Lords = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Blood Angels = Fellow Warriors with World Eaters and Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Fellow Warriors with Dark Angels and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Night Lords, Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors and Blood Angels, Sworn Brothers White Scars, Distrusted Allies with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Sworn Brothers with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Fellow Warriors with Alpha Legion However, as much as I would love to know if the code is 1 way or the other, but it isn't and i would prefer not to put what I think is the right one on there, and people will no doubt complain saying it is the other way. As for the Warlord traits stuff. If i was to add them I would need to work out an appropriate way to add them. Likely chance is that it would be a yet another primary category (which we already have a load of). It would also need a way of removing the option to select it based on a ton of characters and primarchs with pre-selected ones. Then adding in a complication of some characters "Must" be the warlord if taken, or must be unless the primarch is there.. — You are receiving this because you are subscribed to this thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub <#1744 (comment)>, or unsubscribe .

yeah, a new category, and then trust people to use it right. no need for constraints, we can add them later if you guys feel like making that effort. but its not that important

Mayegelt commented 4 years ago

Difficulty is that a bunch of special characters have warlord traits selected for them. But also don't have to be warlord. While some must be unless primarch is present. For example Sigismund and Polux. Consuls like Heralds and Delegatus also must be Warlord unless Primarch is present. Some of this stuff is a fair bit of additional coding.

I think i'll tag this in the future maybe pile :D But I'm ok for someone else to add it if they want it.

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

@Mayegelt I think you can add them as just chose one and it will appear, no need to add it per character. trust people will know when to use it and when not to.

Mayegelt commented 4 years ago

@Mayegelt I think you can add them as just chose one and it will appear, no need to add it per character. trust people will know when to use it and when not to.

You'd like to think so... However if I had £1 for every time I've see something like "You've got the points wrong on Destroyers from the FAQ" because they didn't understand that was Playtest rules. I'd have enough to buy a Titan.

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

@Mayegelt while I'm here Tsolmon Khan's Warlord Trait is not showing up (Inspiring Presence), also, he is not Unique image

Mayegelt commented 4 years ago

Cool, Fixed those 2 issues. Will go live in next push

Tomakokamikaze commented 4 years ago

Brown = Sworn Brother Black = Fellow Warriors Grey = Distrusted Allies Red = By the Emperor's / Warlord's Command

The 2 options are...

Left = Your Legion, Top equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Fellow Warriors with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Night Lords = Sworn Brothers with Death Guard Blood Angels = Distrusted Allies with World Eaters and Death Guard, Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Distrusted Allies with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Fellow Warriors with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Distrusted Allies with Dark Angels and White Scars, Fellow Warriors with Night Lords and Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Blood Angels, Fellow Warriors with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Fellow Warriors with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Sworn Brothers with Alpha Legion

Top = Your Legion, Left equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Distrusted Allies with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Distrusted Allies with Death Guard & Sons of Horus Night Lords = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Blood Angels = Fellow Warriors with World Eaters and Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Fellow Warriors with Dark Angels and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Night Lords, Distrusted Allies with Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Fellow Warriors with Iron Warriors and Blood Angels, Sworn Brothers White Scars, Distrusted Allies with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Sworn Brothers with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Fellow Warriors with Alpha Legion

However, as much as I would love to know if the code is 1 way or the other, but it isn't and i would prefer not to put what I think is the right one on there, and people will no doubt complain saying it is the other way.

As for the Warlord traits stuff. If i was to add them I would need to work out an appropriate way to add them. Likely chance is that it would be a yet another primary category (which we already have a load of). It would also need a way of removing the option to select it based on a ton of characters and primarchs with pre-selected ones. Then adding in a complication of some characters "Must" be the warlord if taken, or must be unless the primarch is there.. In addition to that, some would be easy to trigger such as Spacewolves only ones. HOWEVER ones like ZM ones become a bit more of a pain, as it seems you can't always get it to register which force org you are using.

As for this, the best way i believe is better to use based on whoever is the primary detachment commands what the relation is going to be: so it would be this option, in my opinion at least:

Left = Your Legion, Top equals the one you ally to Dark Angels = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard Iron Warriors = Fellow Warriors with Ultramarines and Sons of Horus White Scars = Fellow Warriors with Death Guard, Sworn Brothers with Sons of Horus Night Lords = Sworn Brothers with Death Guard Blood Angels = Distrusted Allies with World Eaters and Death Guard, Fellow Warriors with Sons of Horus Iron Hands = Distrusted Allies with Sons of Horus World Eaters = Fellow Warriors with Blood Angels Ultramarines = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors Death Guard = Distrusted Allies with Dark Angels and White Scars, Fellow Warriors with Night Lords and Blood Angels Sons of Horus = Distrusted Allies with Iron Warriors and White Scars, Sworn Brothers with Blood Angels, Fellow Warriors with Iron Hands Alpha Legion = Fellow Warriors with Imperial Army Imperial Army = Sworn Brothers with Alpha Legion

Mayegelt commented 4 years ago

A step has been taken towards getting warlord traits in BS. We now have a clicky box for warlord in LA.

Mayegelt commented 3 years ago

@Tomakokamikaze So I'm doing a bit of work on the warlord trait stuff now. Looks like the ZM Warlord traits are gone as of the 2019 ZM rules :(