BSData / horus-heresy

Horus Heresy
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Overseers part 1 #3258

Closed Mayegelt closed 3 months ago

Mayegelt commented 3 months ago

Overseers should work. Though might be a bit messy as I cloned the entry rather than linked to it, as I didn't want to catalogue link to both Militia and Solar cats

Had to move a load of stuff up from Milita and Solar in the way of Wargear and Rules to GST. So things like Flakk Armour, Void Armour, some of the vexilia types of stuff, as well as the Legiones Auxilia rules.

Mayegelt commented 3 months ago

Had a little play with the new command squad thing to stop you taking them if you have another retinue in the form of praevian, mortificator or the overseers ones.

The4D6 commented 3 months ago

To clarify, the only centurion that should be able to take them is an un-upgraded one (ie one with no legiones consularis upgrade)

So you shouldn't be able to take them if you have any consularis, not just those that give "another" retinue

Mayegelt commented 3 months ago

To clarify, the only centurion that should be able to take them is an un-upgraded one (ie one with no legiones consularis upgrade)

So you shouldn't be able to take them if you have any consularis, not just those that give "another" retinue

So initial I thought this myself. However that was while I was under the impression that a Optae was a form of Consul. However as it is not. It seems like it is just a generic command squad for centurions (as in the unit type, not the consularis selection). I can easily change it back if it is not though.

The4D6 commented 3 months ago

The rule specifically says "Legion Centurion", and as per the boxout "Terminology: Centurions and Consuls" that refers only to a centurion with no Consul upgrade

the only units that are eligible to take a Company command Squad as a retinue are a Legion Centurion (no consuls at all) or the Optae

Mayegelt commented 3 months ago

Ok cool. Will revert that change. Though I think it was still allowing it to be taken as other consul types on master I think.

nstephenh commented 3 months ago

Cloning does prevent us from having to worry about any weirdness with provenance specific wargear.