I want to report an error in the description of black templar impulsor and repulsor (transport section) in warhammer 40k 10 edition data.
The data report a capacity of trasport for impulsor of 6 model, and 12 for the repulsor. But the balance datasheet modify this data in 7 the capacity of transport for the black templar impulsor, and 14 the capacity of transport for repulsor.
I want to report an error in the description of black templar impulsor and repulsor (transport section) in warhammer 40k 10 edition data. The data report a capacity of trasport for impulsor of 6 model, and 12 for the repulsor. But the balance datasheet modify this data in 7 the capacity of transport for the black templar impulsor, and 14 the capacity of transport for repulsor.