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Vector size can not be parametrized by module parameter #4

Closed m1a1x1 closed 4 years ago

m1a1x1 commented 4 years ago

I have a trouble with understanding some BSC compiler error. I do not know is this is a right place to ask about code/language issues and if it is not, I am really sorry. I have already registered on but my account is not active yet.

I have a small minimal design, where I can found my problem:

package Test;
import Vector      :: *;
(* synthesize *)
module mkQueue #(
  parameter UInt#(32) qsize
) (Empty);
  Vector#(qsize,Reg#(Bit#(8))) queue <- replicateM (mkReg (0));

Compiling this module with bsc I get next error message:

Verilog generation
bsc -verilog -remove-dollar Test.bsv
Error: "Test.bsv", line 9, column 11: (T0008)
  Unbound type variable `qsize'

bsc version:

Bluespec Compiler (build e55aa23)

And I can not understand, why qsize is Unbound as it is clearly declared as a parameter? If I did something wrong, could you please help me and explain, how to make parameterized size Vector correctly?

Thank you very much in advance. If this is not a right place to ask such questions -- could you please give me a link to the place, where someone can help me.

rsnikhil commented 4 years ago

Dear Maksim,

In future, you can also ask questions at ''.

Please see the attached tar file.

README.txt has an anaysis of your code, and suggestions on how to fix it. I have also expanded the code into a full working example, in the tar file, which you can try building and running.

Best regards, Nikhil for_Maksim.tar.gz

m1a1x1 commented 4 years ago

Hello Nikhil, Thank you very much for your help! Now I get it. I really appreciate your fast reply and explanation in README.txt, it is very helpful.

I have asked this question also on StackOverflow:

But a little latter, than I have asked it here, so there there is one new aspect, that is still not very clear for me: Why this code is legal:

package Test;
import Vector      :: *;
(* synthesize *)
module mkTest #(
  parameter UInt#(32) qsize
) (Empty);
  Vector#(qsize,Bit#(8)) queue = replicate(0);

The only difference -- type of Vector elements, but for somehow now UInt parameter, not type parameter is legal as Vector size.

I will add link to this issue as a answer to my question on StackOverflow.

nanavati commented 4 years ago

The short version is that this is a limitation on the kinds of Verilog the Bluespec compiler can generate.

A numeric value parameter isn't a problem because the compiler can treat it like an opaque value (similar to the contents of a register) or pass it to underlying Verilog primitives. If you use it in ways where the compiler can't handle it (like instantiating different numbers of registers) you'll get a more specific error message about that.

A numeric type is different because most of the ways you can use it are things the compiler can't handle. There are a few cases (like handling data values of different widths) that the compiler could handle, but those are tricky to implement so they haven't been done yet.

m1a1x1 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for you answer, now I get it.