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glGetInternalformativ() needs GLES 3.0-specific page #30

Open dwhinham opened 9 years ago

dwhinham commented 9 years ago

Hi! :smile:

On the page for glGetInternalformativ(), GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE is mentioned, which is correct for GLES 3.1, but not for GLES 3.0, which can only accept GL_RENDERBUFFER as a target.

References: GLES 3.0: GLES 3.1:

BSVino commented 9 years ago

Thanks. I have limited time to deal with this so you can help by sending a pull request :)

Sohail05 commented 8 years ago

Oh! there seems the be a lot more doc pages with small differences similar to this case such as: GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE

I see two solutions:


BSVino commented 8 years ago

Ugh. How many of these are there?

Edit: By that I mean, in how many files are there differences, more or less?

Sohail05 commented 8 years ago

found 4 for GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE in es3 that would need editing: es3/glGetInternalformativ.xhtml es3/glBindTexture.xhtml es3/glFramebufferTexture2D.xhtml es3/glTexStorage2DMultisample.xhtml

No idea for everything else but I would download both svn repos an compare them:

BSVino commented 8 years ago

Yea there are probably a good number of them. Alright that will have to go on my to do list here.

I want to initially say that the best way to approach them is to interleave the 3.1 stuff with 3.0 on a single page, and leave markers like "(Since 3.1)" and "(Until 3.0)" all over the place. I don't like the idea of making all new directories for 3.1, it not being a major revision and all.

felixjones commented 8 years ago

One solution to this could be to have subsections with the command_versions for version differences between minor versions to select which content is to be displayed, hiding sections and revealing sections based on the version differences without navigating to a new page (perhaps append the URL to indicate that the currently viewed content is relevant for a minor version).

Hiding/revealing the differences avoids creating entirely new categories for each minor version.

BSVino commented 8 years ago

I think what you're suggesting is to programmatically update a page depending on what minor version is chosen, eg with some Javascript or something. That sounds reasonable. We already have the button at the top of the tree that chooses a version for the tree, we could use that.