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Discussion: InstallWizard.xml #78

Open tfabraham opened 6 years ago

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

CraigsterJ1[6/13/2013 4:34:33 PM] Does anyone know if there is any way to fill in the blanks for what the InstallWizard.xml prompts for? I want to run the MSI process the framework does, but just skip the prompts. I've read a lot of threads on unattended installs and tried a lot of things with MSBuild and such and overall it seems like I'm doing a lot of work just to feed the answers for the questions these dialogs asks.

I wish the framework supported an unattended install mode out of the box.

Thanks, Craig

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

tfabraham Craig,

If you are fully automating the process, the only thing you really have to pass to MSBuild is the path to the XML settings file for the particular deployment environment. Everything else that is required can be specified as settings (rows) within the Excel settings spreadsheet combined with the PropsFromEnvSettings ItemGroup to bridge those setting values over to MSBuild properties. The setting name is the same as the EnvironmentVarName value in (Un)InstallWizard.xml. Or you can simply pass all of the required property values to MSBuild on the command line (or via environment variables which are automatically picked up as properties).

I recommend Randy Paulo's PowerShell script for full automation.

Thanks, Tom

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

CraigsterJ1 Very cool Tom thanks - I'm very close at this point. Thanks for all your help. Only thing I'm having trouble with right now is stopping the application so hopefully can get that figured out and I'll be good.

Thanks, Craig

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

tfabraham OK great. The StopApplication MSBuild target should do the job.

Thanks, Tom