BTDF / DeploymentFramework

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk is the most powerful and customizable, yet easy-to-use toolkit for deploying and configuring your BizTalk solutions.
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Add <OutputPath> for FilesToXmlPreProcess #241

Closed tfabraham closed 6 years ago

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

As discussed here (, it would be great to have an property next to in . This way we can replicate the PortBindingsMaster.xml \ PortBinding.xml separation approach for other files.   For example, I would like an esbMaster.config to create an esb.config file with the tokens replaced.   The justification for this is that I want to mitigate the risk of users checking in to source control a file that has already had the tokens replaced.

This work item was migrated from CodePlex

CodePlex work item ID: '9357' Vote count: '2'

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@4/25/2012] Charlie, do you need to change the output path or just the output file name? In V5.0 final there will be an OutputFilename metadata element on FilesToXmlPreprocess, but the output file ends up next to the original file.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[charliemott@4/25/2012] Thanks for the quick response. Sorry, I should have read the updated documentaiton to see this was here. As a note for the documentation, you might want to say when using this that you should add the following to get the token replacement to work.


Thanks again. I'm happy for this issue can be closed.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

Issue closed by tfabraham with comment OutputFilename metadata element coming in V5.0 RTW.