BTDF / DeploymentFramework

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk is the most powerful and customizable, yet easy-to-use toolkit for deploying and configuring your BizTalk solutions.
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DeployVocabAndRules target not triggered #291

Closed tfabraham closed 6 years ago

tfabraham commented 6 years ago


I was using BTDF RC2 before and I didnt get any issues around deploying Rules. However I recently upgraded to V5_1 Beta2 and the Rules were not getting deployed. I created a very simple application and have included the below in BTDFProj file

True in the first ItemGroup block. . This is what I see in the VS output. Starting build... C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe "E:\Shankar\Projects\TestBTDF\TestBTDF.Deployment\Deployment.btdfproj" /nologo /t:DeployVocabAndRules /p:Configuration=Debug;ExplicitlyDeployRulePoliciesOnDeploy=true Build started 01/07/2013 13:24:11. Project "E:\Shankar\Projects\TestBTDF\TestBTDF.Deployment\Deployment.btdfproj" on node 1 (DeployVocabAndRules target(s)). SetWinVer: Running on Windows V61 Detected IIS 7 Detected 64-bit OS GetSoftwarePaths: Using .NET Framework Install Path 'C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319'. Using BizTalk Install Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010\'. Using Deployment Framework Install Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Deployment Framework for BizTalk\5.1\'. Using Deployment Framework Tools Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Deployment Framework for BizTalk\5.1\Framework\DeployTools'. Using BizTalk ESB Toolkit Install Path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk ESB Toolkit 2.1\'. InitializeAppName: BizTalk Application Name is TestBTDF Done Building Project "E:\Shankar\Projects\TestBTDF\TestBTDF.Deployment\Deployment.btdfproj" (DeployVocabAndRules target(s)). Build succeeded. 0 Warning(s) 0 Error(s) Time Elapsed 00:00:00.10 #### This work item was migrated from CodePlex CodePlex work item ID: '10228' Vote count: '1'
tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@7/2/2013] You are using .. That means that TestBTDF.Policy.xml must exist in the same folder as Deployment.btdfproj. Is that where the file is located?

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[shankarmaha@7/3/2013] The TestBTDF.Policy.xml file was within the same folder as Deployment.btdfproj file.

It seems that the below import line should be the last line in the BTDFPROJ file

If I place the ItemGroup section for policies before the Import, the target is called.

Am I correct in saying that the order of the Import targets should be the last line.

Thanks Shankar

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@7/3/2013] Ah, that would do it. Yes, the is typically the last line in the .btdfproj except for any custom elements, which can go before or after.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[shankarmaha@7/4/2013] Thanks for the confirmation....

tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

Issue closed by tfabraham with comment Not an issue with the product

Reason closed As Designed