BTDF / DeploymentFramework

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk is the most powerful and customizable, yet easy-to-use toolkit for deploying and configuring your BizTalk solutions.
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Get MSIName from BTDFProject in BTDF Process Template #300

Closed tfabraham closed 6 years ago

tfabraham commented 6 years ago


I have used the MSIName tag in my BTDF Project. I have a scenario wherein I need to access this MSIName in my Process Template. Kindly suggest how this can be achieved.

I am using BTDF 5.0 RTW version, VS 2010 and BizTalk Server 2010.

Thanks in Advance.

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CodePlex work item ID: '10415' Vote count: '1'

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@10/23/2013] Are you referring to a TFS build template? You can create a variable or parameter in the build template to represent MSIName, then pass it into the MSBuild command line with the /p switch. You'd have to edit the build template to do that.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[mafsar09@10/25/2013] Thanks for the prompt reply...

I would like to explain the current scenario, so that we get a clear picture:

1) 2 solutions are used, SolutionA is being referred by Solution B. 2) Both these solutions and their respective BTDF projects are included in the Items To Build property of TFS Build Definition in the order of their dependency i.e., SolutionA -> BTDF_A -> SolutionB -> BTDF_B 3) While the Build runs, MSIs of both these solutions are created in the Binaries Directory. 4) In TFS Build Template, since SolutionName is part of or same as MSI Name... we get the MSI names of both the MSIs using the filter + solutionname + .msi and store them in some collection MSICollection, maintaining the order.
5) MSICollection is looped to get the MSI names which is passed to PowerShell command for
Deployment. PowerShell refers to Deployment script which inturn calls MSBuild.

This way, we are able to deployment of Parent-Child solutions in a single Build Definition.

Requirement : Now the MSIName specified using tag in BTDF Project is completely different from the Solution Name. Hence the wildchar +solutionName+ .msi is no more relevant in the Binaries Directory.

Kindly let me know a way to read/get the MSIName in TFS Build Process Template from BTDF Project.

Many Thanks,

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[mafsar09@11/4/2013] Hi All

Any updates on my query ???

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@2/7/2014] The Deployment Framework project can read MSBuild properties created by TFS Team Build, but not the other way around. You can pass MSIName to the .btdfproj build, in which case the build controls the name and tells the .btdfproj build what to do. That seems like a better way to solve your issue.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

Issue closed by tfabraham with comment This is really a discussion rather than a Deployment Framework feature or issue.

Reason closed Declined