BTDF / DeploymentFramework

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk is the most powerful and customizable, yet easy-to-use toolkit for deploying and configuring your BizTalk solutions.
MIT License
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BTDF build is getting failed, Error SQLLib80.dll is not found #407

Closed tfabraham closed 6 years ago

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

BTDF build is getting failed in our testing enviornment, after window patch, by giving following error:-

D : \Program Files (x86)\IBM\Client Access\Shared\SQLLib80.dll is not found

This work item was migrated from CodePlex

CodePlex work item ID: '11064' Vote count: '1'

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@2/29/2016] Sorry, but IBM Client Access software is not related to the Deployment Framework, so I cannot support it.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago
