BTDF / DeploymentFramework

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk is the most powerful and customizable, yet easy-to-use toolkit for deploying and configuring your BizTalk solutions.
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Feature: Support BizTalk 2016 on the v5.x line #423

Closed tfabraham closed 6 years ago

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

Add support for BizTalk 2016 on the 5.x line

This work item was migrated from CodePlex

CodePlex work item ID: '11152' Vote count: '27'

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tif@1/23/2017] Hi,

when can expect to have a supported Version for BizTalk 2016 ready to test?

kind regards, Trond Ivar

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@1/23/2017] Code changes are underway both to support BizTalk 2016, and to raise the minimum .NET Framework version to v4.0 and Visual Studio to 2010, causing the removal of support for BizTalk 2006 and 2009. That's largely because Visual Studio 2008 does not support VSIX-based add-ins and NuGet. In addition, portions of the build process are being simplified.

The first available build will likely be a release candidate without a Visual Studio add-in for VS 2015.

I don't have a date, but I'm hoping within the next 2-4 weeks. (My testing involves four versions of BizTalk.)


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[UnknownUser@1/27/2017] Associated with changeset 79714.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[sajid08@2/2/2017] Hi Tom,

Really curious how this is coming along....we are ready to migrate to BTS 2016...just this is the missing bit. Also by when do you thing the VS 2015 Add in would be done.

Thanks alot for all your efforts, really appreciate it!


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[UnknownUser@2/6/2017] Associated with changeset 79723.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@2/6/2017] Version 5.7 RC1 with support for BizTalk 2016 and ESB Toolkit 2.4 is now available, without support (yet) for the Visual Studio addin.


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[sajid08@2/8/2017] How is this supposed to work? How can I generate the MSI for deployment without the Visual Studio 2015 Add in? Appreciate any work arounds as well.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[oderibas@2/8/2017] @sajid08 You can generate the MSI exactly how it is described in the documentation.

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[sajid08@2/8/2017] Great, didn't know that it can be done from command prompt! thanks!

tfabraham commented 6 years ago

[tfabraham@2/8/2017] In addition to the command-line approach, please see Matt Corr's blog with a great short-term workaround.

The upcoming v5.7 add-in for VS 2010-2015 has fully functional menus now, but still needs work on the new project wizard and testing in all versions. I'm continuing to work on it.


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago


tfabraham commented 6 years ago

Issue closed by tfabraham with comment Feature complete

Reason closed Fixed