BTDF / DeploymentFramework

The Deployment Framework for BizTalk is the most powerful and customizable, yet easy-to-use toolkit for deploying and configuring your BizTalk solutions.
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Support for BizTalk 2020 #464

Open lewispayne opened 4 years ago

lewispayne commented 4 years ago

When will this be available or is it already possible to use with VS2019? Looking to migrate to BizTalk 2020.

tfabraham commented 4 years ago

Updating the Framework itself is usually not too bad. I expect the Visual Studio extension to require extensive work (time) to modify -- and possibly rebuild -- for Visual Studio 2019. I won't even make an attempt at providing a timeline since this is a many-late-nights effort, but know that it's on my radar and I'll do my best. Thanks.

maarten-Biz commented 4 years ago

Hi, How far away is the upgrade of BTDF, are we talking about a couple of weeks, months or years? Thank you! :)

well0549 commented 4 years ago

Any Progress ? Can we help ?

tfabraham commented 4 years ago

Rest assured that it's on my mind nearly every day, but since this is a late-night effort I can't be specific with a date. I think it's fairly safe to say within the next month or two for the framework itself. The Visual Studio add-in (released separately) may be longer since it's potentially a near-rewrite for VS 2019.

My first order of business is reawakening two very outdated development VM's (BizTalk 2013 R2 and 2016) and standing up a new one for 2020.

I can share one change coming in the next release: based on the download counts of the Visual Studio add-in on VS Marketplace, I'll be dropping support for BizTalk 2010 and 2013 (R1).

Thanks for your patience.

swalde commented 4 years ago

I'm trying to replicate BizTalkBill's VSTS+BTDF pressentation from the days of BTS 2013 R2. I'm working on a Azure DevOps pipeline+release inspired by Bill, for a BizTalk 2016/2020 Reference project of ours, using BTDF 2016 and today's version of Azure DevOps. I see now that the 2020 version will have to wait.

I can be a testpilote when converting my project to 2020, whenever your have a BTDF 2020 release.

I do have one Buildserver of each BTS version after a late last night... ;-)

tfabraham commented 4 years ago

Thanks. I had time this week to update my BizTalk 2013 and 2016 VM's and get most of the way through a new BizTalk 2020 VM, so one step closer.

swalde commented 4 years ago

Hello, have you had any time to spend on the 2020 edition lately? Any progress?

tfabraham commented 4 years ago

I have not, but I'm actively looking for an opportunity to jump into it.

swalde commented 4 years ago

Great, I'm working on my BTS 2016 BTDF-DevOps spare time demo project and the Classic version works, also looking att translating from classic to YAML style BTDF pipelines. That will make the demo more future-proof since more concepts are available for YAML. Environment f ex is a YAML-only concept

eloekset commented 4 years ago

@swalde please share a link to your work if you publish the yaml files to GitHub. The move to Azure Pipelines seems easier for BT2020, so we should have something more or less official for BTDF adopters and BT2020.

eloekset commented 4 years ago

BTW, this is a repo of BTDF for Octopus Deploy. I ported it to BT2016, but I don't use it myself. Just verified that it published applications successfully after being built by Azure Pipelines:

swalde commented 4 years ago

Sorry mine is a private Company Git-repo on Azure DevOps

SRM-BTS commented 4 years ago

@tfabraham Could you please advise any progress on the BTDF support for BizTalk 2020 and VS 2019. We are migrating to BizTalk 2020 and looking for the BTDF version to support it. Thanks.

tfabraham commented 4 years ago

It will be in v5.8. I started by removing support for older versions of BizTalk in #465, and am validating that nothing broke for 2013 R2 and 2016. Once that's complete, I can look into the changes needed for 2020, which is typically limited to SSO and ESB Toolkit issues. As I've mentioned before, I expect the VS 2019 extension to take more time than the core framework.

swalde commented 4 years ago

Thanks. Lets release the core framework when possible and not wait for the VS extensions. Building DevOps build and release pipelines only depend on the core framework I guess.

SRM-BTS commented 4 years ago

@tfabraham Thanks for the quick response. Could you please advise what's the tentative timeline you think v5.8 will be ready and available for use. Thanks.

rjmarques01 commented 4 years ago

@tfabraham if I understood correctly is the 5.8 the branch the one to support BTS 2020? If I would be able to test the work done and contribute for the 2020 support would it be a pull request on this branch?

tfabraham commented 4 years ago

The 'v5.8' branch will support BizTalk 2020.

For the first time, Microsoft left the assembly versions unchanged for SSO and the ESB Toolkit, so the v5.7 SSOSettingsFileReader.dll works with BizTalk 2020, as does the BTDF ESB Resolver. I've successfully deployed the BasicMasterBindings sample into BizTalk 2020 via MSBuild command-line.

I discovered a number of dependencies on .NET Framework 2.0/3.5 that I'm working to resolve in v5.8. Two are completed with two to go, which require new builds/releases of other open-source projects.

Hopefully I can prepare a beta or release candidate within the next week.

SRM-BTS commented 4 years ago

@tfabraham That's awesome! Thanks a lot. Please let us know when it's ready next week. We will try it out.

tfabraham commented 3 years ago

Please try out the first release candidate of v5.8 and create issues for any bugs you find. Thanks!

SRM-BTS commented 3 years ago

Thanks @tfabraham (Thomas). We are trying it out and will create issues for any bugs. Thanks.

amitapat commented 3 years ago

Could you advise on tentative timeline for Visual Studio add-in for VS 2019 ? Is there any option to that ? We are planning to migrate to Biztalk 2020.

fernandodsanjos commented 3 years ago

Is there only "possible" issues with vs 2019? Is there something we need to consider regarding devops deployment and BTDF Tasks. We where thinking of keeping vs2015 for a while but deploy to a 2020 environment.

tfabraham commented 3 years ago

The release candidate of Deployment Framework v5.8 is stable for use with BizTalk 2020. For the Visual Studio extension, I'm investigating whether it's possible to use the existing code across Visual Studio 2013, 2015 and 2019, or if 2019 will require a unique codebase. I don't have anything to report on that yet.

rnesbakk commented 3 years ago

Hi, any news regarding the BTDF extension for VS 2019? BTDF v5.8 works great for Biztalk 2020, but development is a bit mot cumbersome as the VS2019 extension is not yet available. Looking forward to it being released:-)

well0549 commented 2 years ago

Yup waiting for the BTDF Extensions for VS 2019