In line with #131 and #88, create a menu for the management of a location. The features of this menu will be:
An option to allow a lesson for the tutorial with this location to be started (hence enabling editing via #88 and #130)
An option to set the location as in use or not - This would be a new feature to be added to the DB and location selection algorithm.
This menu should be accessible when clicking on a location in a menu of the list of locations for a specific tutorial. A list of locations for a specific tutorial should be accessible via clicking on a tutorial in the "my tutorials" menu and then clicking on "manage locations" or via right clicking a tutorial in the tutorial library and clicking "manage locations" (described in #131).
In line with #131 and #88, create a menu for the management of a location. The features of this menu will be:
This menu should be accessible when clicking on a location in a menu of the list of locations for a specific tutorial. A list of locations for a specific tutorial should be accessible via clicking on a tutorial in the "my tutorials" menu and then clicking on "manage locations" or via right clicking a tutorial in the tutorial library and clicking "manage locations" (described in #131).