BTMorton / angular2-grid

A drag/drop/resize grid-based plugin directive for angular2
MIT License
354 stars 159 forks source link

Can't bind to 'ng-grid' since it isn't a known native property #109

Open Ajeey opened 8 years ago

Ajeey commented 8 years ago

system.conf.js -

var map = {
        'app': 'src/tmp/app',
        'angular2-grid': 'node_modules/angular2-grid/dist',
        'test': 'src/tmp/test'

var packages = {
        'app': {
            defaultExtension: 'js'
        'test': {
            defaultExtension: 'js'
        'rxjs': {
            defaultExtension: 'js'
        'angular2-grid': { main: 'main.js',  defaultExtension: 'js' }


  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "es5",
    "module": "commonjs",
    "moduleResolution": "node",
    "sourceMap": true,
    "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
    "experimentalDecorators": true,
    "removeComments": false,
    "noImplicitAny": false
  "exclude": [

And my component file as -

import { NgGrid, NgGridItem } from 'angular2-grid';

    selector: 'as-home',
    templateUrl: 'app/home/home.html',
    styleUrls: [
    providers: [GithubSearchService],
    directives: [NgGrid, NgGridItem]

I am using

"@angular/core": "2.0.0-rc.4"

What am I missing?

wuhkuh commented 8 years ago

Why aren't you mapping 'angular2-grid': 'node_modules/angular2-grid/dist', in your src/tmp folder like 'app': 'src/tmp/app'? This looks like a build issue, because: "exclude": [ "node_modules" ]

BTMorton commented 8 years ago

Hey @Ajeey,

Is it definitely saying can't bind to ng-grid? Meaning your HTML looks something like:

<div [ng-grid]="gridOptions"></div>

If that's the case it's a simple fix. The selector is actually ngGrid, so just update your HTML to say that like so:

<div [ngGrid]="gridOptions"></div>

If that's not the issue, then it would seem there is something wrong in your build pipeline and I'd need more information, from you about how it's built and served. I'm going to assume you have a file structure similar to this?

| - index.html
| - src
|   | - tmp
| - node_modules