BTW-Community / Better-Terrain-Addon

World gen addon for Better than Wolves and Minecraft 1.5.2
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1.2.0 #5

Closed ammoore00 closed 3 years ago

ammoore00 commented 3 years ago

[]Added expanded configuration to BTA world creation. This allows selecting and deselecting biomes to include in world generation, as well as other configuration options. In addition, this allows me to add new biomes without breaking old worlds by tying the biome list to the save file. To generate any of the new biomes added in this release, you will have to create a new world. []Added the ability to replace sand generation with beta's sand and gravel beaches on world creation. []Added the ability to disable oceans on world creation. Future releases will allow for finer control than a strict toggle. []Added willow groves as a new swamp variant (witches, slimes, reeds). []Added icy peaks as a new mountain variant (emeralds, silverfish). []Added patagonia as a new plains variant (villages, pumpkins) which spawns occasional tall, stony mountains within (emeralds, silverfish). []Added grasslands as a new plains variant (villages, pumpkins). []Added siberia as a new taiga variant (wolves). []Changed skylands cloud height to render below the bottom of the world (reduced y level from 8 to -8). []Changed how tropics generates sandy shores to match valley. This does not affect existing worlds so will not cause seams. []Fixed an issue where reeds could not generate along rivers in jungles. []Fixed an issue in the create world menu where buttons would overlap on low resolution screens or at very high GUI scales. [*]Fixed an issue where the gui would not properly reflect world configuration when using the recreate world option.