BTW-Community / Better-Terrain-Addon

World gen addon for Better than Wolves and Minecraft 1.5.2
6 stars 0 forks source link

Weird index out of bounds exception in chunk loading #7

Open ammoore00 opened 3 years ago

ammoore00 commented 3 years ago


Chunks stop loading, random single chunks become ocean biome, eventual crash.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create world with seed -5349142412588203548 (generator options may or may not matter, but [deco on / all biomes] and [deco off / lush desert, birch forest] confirmed to cause issue
  2. Travel north. Other directions may or may not be affected, needs testing
TheGatesofLogic commented 3 years ago

Exiting to title after the chunk loading freeze described above, and then generating a new world may cause persistent issues including chunk discontinuity and incorrect biomes in chunks.

This is reliably replicable by loading the above seed, triggering the chunk load freeze, then exiting to title and generating a new world with a different seed.

Exiting the game prior to generating the new world prevents this issue from occurring.