Closed BULVRDapp closed 5 years ago
Noted from user in Discord:
It seems that search bar doesn't handle special characters (sorry dont know english name) like è ê à and so on. E. G if I type 2 rue des frères goncourt, 17000 la Rochelle (France) result is rue des moulins in switerzerland (wich is wierd....) but if I type 2 rue des freres goncourt, 17000 la Rochelle result is good
Could be considered a new issue, but does work together with localization in a sense:
Create a new report type as 'Mobile Speed Camera' and "Stationary Speed Camera". Rename Speed camera to stationary. Also set expiration times from each. Mobile - 12 hours? Stationary - 2 weeks (if not updated in that time frame?)
Latest Android releases now improve location search globally.
Has been requested by community but also has been slated internally.
Android ETA Aug 27th iOS ETA TBD