BUNPC / Homer3

MATLAB application for fNIRS data processing and visualization
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Homer Training Day 5 (2021) Issue[BUG]: #205

Open akshayakirithybaskar opened 6 months ago

akshayakirithybaskar commented 6 months ago

I am a learner of Homer, I was trying the tutorials provided by the training. I have a trouble with running this code displayStats. I am getting this error message, please let us know what the issue is. I have attached the dataset and command window environment/error message (notes) in this google drive link. Also, I have pasted the error message for you to look over. It would be a great help if you guide through this, Thank you!


displayStats('DEMO.mat', 1, 0.05, 1) Error using matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim.makeValidName (line 498) 'Source#' is not a valid variable name.

Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim/validateAndAssignLabels (line 383) [newLabels,wasMadeValid] = obj.makeValidName(newLabels,exceptionMode);

Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.tabularDimension/setLabels (line 173) obj = obj.validateAndAssignLabels(newLabels,indices,fullAssignment,fixDups,fixEmpties,fixIllegal);

Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.tabularDimension/createLike_impl (line 355) obj = obj.setLabels(dimLabels,[]);

Error in matlab.internal.tabular.private.varNamesDim/createLike (line 76) obj = obj.createLike_impl(dimLength,dimLabels);

Error in tabular/initInternals (line 212) t.varDim = t.varDim.createLike(nvars,varnames); % error if invalid, duplicate, or empty

Error in table.init (line 332) t = t.initInternals(vars, numRows, rowLabels, numVars, varnames);

Error in array2table (line 64) t = table.init(vars,nrows,rownames,nvars,varnames);

Error in displayStats (line 26) T = array2table([ml(lst_thresh,1), ml(lst_thresh,2), tval(lst_thresh)', output.misc.hmrstatsG_contrast.pval(Hb,lst_thresh)']...