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第三季4场 AI ML Club 活动纪要 - AI ML Club #293

Open newip opened 4 years ago

newip commented 4 years ago

第三季4场 AI ML Club 活动纪要 - AI ML Club

« 本次沙龙通知: #285 «


huan commented 4 years ago



gaojiuy commented 4 years ago

I,gaojiuy , is the Vice Chair of AMC seminar S_3_E04.

I confirm that the Chair had followed(or not followed) the following steps in this seminar:

Additional Notes: put additional information here (if any).


hwfan commented 4 years ago


Personal Introduction: Hello, I'm Hongwei Fan(范弘炜) from the School of Information and Communication Engineering of BUPT, where I got my bachelor degree. Currently I'm pursuing for master degree under the instruction of Prof. Weihong Deng(邓伟洪) in the lab of Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems. Now I'm interested in Metric Learning and Transfer Learning, especially Person Re-Identification and Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, and their combination.

Introducer: Bohan Zhang(张博涵).

New Comment: coming soon.

huan commented 4 years ago

@hwfan Welcome!

zhanzecheng commented 4 years ago


Personal Introduction: Hello, I'm Zecheng from BUPT. I'm pursuing my Master degree on Computer Science. My research topic is Semantic Parsing and Generation Tasks.

Topic: I will give a brief introduction on NL2SQL task, and then talk about our researches on the current complex NL2SQL task, where defined in this Benchmark (https://yale-lily.github.io/spider). These following papers are related to my topic: (1) SQLNet: https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.04436 (2) NL2Code: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P17-1041/ (3) Spider Benchmark: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/D18-1425 (4) IRNet : https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-1444/

Introducer: Shenda Shi

bupt-chonger commented 4 years ago

Newcomer Personal Introduction: Hello, I'm Li Chong from the School of Computer Science of BUPT, and now I'm pursuing for my master degree on Computer Science in the lab of Computer Network. I'm interested in Computer Vision and hope to do research in this directio. Introducer: @vdeamov

Duan-JM commented 4 years ago

报名本次活动~挂靠 @gaojiuy

CyFeng16 commented 4 years ago

报名本次活动~挂靠 @zhanzecheng

ggsonic commented 4 years ago

报名本次活动 前小米深度学习组研究员,曾负责小米旗舰机的相机单摄虚化算法,算法基本逼平、部分领域超过商汤、虹软、Google等竞争对手,并在人脸检测/识别,人像分割,语音合成,音视频分析等方面拥有自主知识产权深度学习算法。推荐人卓桓老师。

huan commented 4 years ago

@ggsonic 欢迎新人!