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A.M.C. - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning CLUB: Friends for Code, Paper, and Beers!🍻
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📰Poster - Pre-training BERT from scratch with cloud TPU #314

Closed huan closed 5 years ago

huan commented 5 years ago

AMC Seminar Sign Up

Link to previous seminar meeting minutes comments issue:


1. Oral / Poster Selection

Select one of the following selections for Oral or Poster:

  1. Oral should be prepared for 15 - 30 minutes, and no more than 45 minutes, including Q/A.
  2. Posters should be prepared for 5 - 10 minutes, and no more than 15 minutes, including Q/A.

2. Paper Information

Please fill the follow table and provide all the information as many as possible, for sharing with others better. (delete the rows that you did not fill)

Paper Information
Name Pre-training BERT from scratch with cloud TPU
Recommendation Use free TPU on Colab
Prior Knowledge BERT
Year 2019
Blog https://towardsdatascience.com/pre-training-bert-from-scratch-with-cloud-tpu-6e2f71028379

3. After Party 🍻

Everyone will be welcome. You can join or not join as you want (not required by the AMC), and change your mind at any time.

  1. After Party will be started right after all the meeting agenda had been fulfilled.
  2. We will find a bar and drink beers and talk whatever we want. (we can expect that it will be related to meeting topics of the day)
  3. The bill will be paid AA

4. New Friend

Whether you have a new friend comes with you to the club.

Please fill the following table for the new friend sign up(if any), or delete it.

Referrer Newcomer Bio
@huan @ggsonic 前小米深度学习组研究员,曾负责小米旗舰机的相机单摄虚化算法,算法基本逼平、部分领域超过商汤、虹软、Google等竞争对手,并在人脸检测/识别,人像分割,语音合成,音视频分析等方面拥有自主知识产权深度学习算法。

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning CLUB, 2018 - 2019 AI ML Club - AMC Member Manual