BUTSpeechFIT / VBx

Variational Bayes HMM over x-vectors diarization
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Inconsistency on pip installation #48

Closed underdogliu closed 2 years ago

underdogliu commented 2 years ago

Hi all with appreciation to this amazing work!

I had a bit trouble on installing the dependencies via pip: in requirements.txt, there are version inconsistencies between modules, along with pip and python versions. I note problems below:

I actually then tried to install python3.9 and then install all libraries without indicating their version number via pip. I ran ./run_example.sh and perfectly replicated the results in README. Therefore, I think maybe we can update the README. If you think this makes sense but have been too busy, I can do this trivial thing.

Thanks again for open-sourcing this amazing repository and related work to the community!

underdogliu commented 2 years ago

Note about my output:

INFO:__main__:Start: Processing file ES2005a: 
INFO:__main__:End:   Processing file ES2005a: Elapsed: 26.845391750335693 seconds
### WARNING, path does not exist: KALDI_ROOT=/mnt/matylda5/iveselyk/Tools/kaldi-trunk
###          (please add 'export KALDI_ROOT=<your_path>' in your $HOME/.profile)
###          (or run as: KALDI_ROOT=<your_path> python <your_script>.py)

Loading speaker turns from reference RTTMs...
Loading speaker turns from system RTTMs...
WARNING: No universal evaluation map specified. Approximating from reference and speaker turn extents...
Trimming reference speaker turns to UEM scoring regions...
Trimming system speaker turns to UEM scoring regions...
Checking for overlapping reference speaker turns...
Checking for overlapping system speaker turns...
File               DER    JER    B3-Precision    B3-Recall    B3-F1    GKT(ref, sys)    GKT(sys, ref)    H(ref|sys)    H(sys|ref)    MI    NMI
---------------  -----  -----  --------------  -----------  -------  ---------------  ---------------  ------------  ------------  ----  -----
ES2005a           7.06  29.99            0.65         0.78     0.71             0.71             0.56          1.14          0.59  1.72   0.67
*** OVERALL ***   7.06  29.99            0.65         0.78     0.71             0.71             0.56          1.14          0.59  1.72   0.67
fnlandini commented 2 years ago

Hi @underdogliu Thank you for the feedback and sorry for the delay. I have just updated the requirements with newer versions. I think now there should not be any inconsistencies. Feel free to close the issue if you don't find any problems.

Thanks again for the suggestions

fnlandini commented 2 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen if you see fit.