BVLC / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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Caffe weekly notes #2313

Closed bhack closed 7 years ago

bhack commented 9 years ago

@shelhamer It is not clear what happen to the @BVLC caffe agenda. Actually all the team seems MIA. Can you share something like opencv weekly reports to the community?

shelhamer commented 9 years ago

We actually had a BVLC meeting this weekend to figure out how to better broadcast changes and plans. Here's a rough sketch of ideas:

Weekly notes are a good suggestion. I think a weekly / periodic issue to review new features, interface changes, and fixes should help the community track changes. It could otherwise be difficult to keep up with all the PRs and commits. Although our release PRs like #1849 give summaries these might be too much at once.

We are all working on the ICCV deadline 04/22. We'll catch up on issues, PRs, and new tutorial content once that's done. After a little rest and :coffee: of course.

bhack commented 9 years ago

Please consider also

immars commented 9 years ago

IMHO the problem is that BVLC team is already too busy to maintain another activity like weekly report. For me is good enough.

caffe is a really cool project, but I have to find and merge PRs, so I guess other people have to do the same. It works, but its duplicated effort if everyone do this.

@bhack is there anything we can do without requiring lots of core team member's effort? is there any follow up on #1623 ? can we start a


bhack commented 9 years ago

@immars no. The only think we can do It is try to trainig a net to classify the hidden status of @BVLC members based on issue and PR activities if @shelhamer can give us some ground truths other that ones extracted from main conferences calendars.

bhack commented 9 years ago

ICCV deadline gone CVPR gone. What's next? Can you share weekly meetings news? Plans? Organize review priority?

bhack commented 9 years ago

Anybody can label this as abandoned by community managers?

bhack commented 9 years ago

See also how Torch it is planning

shelhamer commented 7 years ago

This practice was never adopted. We participate in the mailing list and issues as we can and make release notes.