BVLC / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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Issue with Caffe's timing code #4453

Open ethereon opened 8 years ago

ethereon commented 8 years ago

Caffe's time command includes two timers: a per layer timer and an overall timer. However, the overall timer currently also includes the overhead of the per-layer timers. For instance, for forward prop:

This overhead can be significant. For instance, the current version of Caffe reports the following for ResNet-152 on an Nvidia Tegra TX1:

Average Forward pass: 406.875 ms.

After commenting out the nested timers:

Average Forward pass: 193.922 ms.

Similar caveats apply for the backward pass and total iteration timers.

flx42 commented 8 years ago

Right, the solution is to do 2 passes. Use a new timer for each individual layer, then use another timer for a full forward pass. I'm doing something like that here: (in this patch I also removed the backward pass because I was just benchmarking inference).

ujsyehao commented 5 years ago

@flx42 Hi, I use your method, but I found the problem: caffe_net.Forward() consumes time unmatch sum of each layer consume time Code below: 319 320 net forward time: 5.1ms ~ 5.2ms the sum of each layer forward time: 4.4 ~ 4.5ms