BVLC / caffe

Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
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Bugs in Gradient Checker #6814

Open hzxie opened 5 years ago

hzxie commented 5 years ago

Issue summary

The estimated gradients by GradientChecker are not correct. I implemented my own Caffe layer and the gradients are the same as PyTorch and JAX. But GradientChecker tells me that my gradient are not correct.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create the Chamfer Distance Loss Layer. The code is attached below. For convenient, I only provide the code for CPU.
  2. Create the unit test for the Chamfer Distance Loss Layer.
  3. Rebuild Caffe with make -j8
  4. make runtest GTEST_FILTER='Chamfer*' -j8

Tried solutions

Compare my gradients with autograd and PyTorch. And they are the same.

System configuration

Issue checklist

hzxie commented 5 years ago



#include <vector>

#include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"

#include "caffe/layers/loss_layer.hpp"

namespace caffe {

template <typename Dtype>
class ChamferDistanceLossLayer : public LossLayer<Dtype> {
  explicit ChamferDistanceLossLayer(const LayerParameter& param)
    : LossLayer<Dtype>(param) {}
  virtual void LayerSetUp(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
                          const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Reshape(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
                       const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);

  virtual inline const char* type() const { return "ChamferDistanceLoss"; }
   * Unlike most loss layers, in the ChamferDistanceLossLayer we can
   * backpropagate to both inputs -- override to return true and always allow
   * force_backward.
  virtual inline bool AllowForceBackward(const int bottom_index) const {
    return true;

  virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
                           const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);
  virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,
                           const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);

  virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
                            const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
                            const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);
  virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
                            const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
                            const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);

  Blob<int> indexes1_;
  Blob<int> indexes2_;

}  // namespace caffe



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#include "caffe/layers/chamfer_distance_loss_layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/math_functions.hpp"

namespace caffe {

template <typename Dtype>
void ChamferDistanceLossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  LossLayer<Dtype>::LayerSetUp(bottom, top);
  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[1]->num());
  CHECK_EQ(bottom[0]->height(), 3);
  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->height(), 3);
  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->width(), 1);
  CHECK_EQ(bottom[1]->width(), 1);

template <typename Dtype>
void ChamferDistanceLossLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  LossLayer<Dtype>::Reshape(bottom, top);
  indexes1_.Reshape(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);
  indexes2_.Reshape(bottom[1]->num(), bottom[1]->channels(), 1, 1);

template <typename Dtype>
void ChamferDistanceLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  Blob<Dtype> dist1(bottom[0]->num(), bottom[0]->channels(), 1, 1);
  Blob<Dtype> dist2(bottom[1]->num(), bottom[1]->channels(), 1, 1);
  Dtype* m_dist1 = dist1.mutable_cpu_data();
  Dtype* m_dist2 = dist2.mutable_cpu_data();
  int* indexes1  = indexes1_.mutable_cpu_data();
  int* indexes2  = indexes2_.mutable_cpu_data();

  const int num       = bottom[0]->num();
  const int n_points1 = bottom[0]->channels();
  const int n_points2 = bottom[1]->channels();

  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n_points1; ++j) {
      Dtype _min_distance(1e12);
      for (int k = 0; k < n_points2; ++k) {
        Dtype x1   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
        Dtype y1   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, j, 1, 0);
        Dtype z1   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, j, 2, 0);
        Dtype x2   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, k, 0, 0);
        Dtype y2   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, k, 1, 0);
        Dtype z2   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, k, 2, 0);
        Dtype dx   = x1 - x2;
        Dtype dy   = y1 - y2;
        Dtype dz   = z1 - z2;
        Dtype dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
        if (dist < _min_distance) {
          _min_distance               = dist;
          indexes1[i * n_points1 + j] = k;
      m_dist1[i * n_points1 + j] += _min_distance / n_points1;

    for (int j = 0; j < n_points2; ++j) {
      Dtype _min_distance(1e12);
      for (int k = 0; k < n_points1; ++k) {
        Dtype x1   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
        Dtype y1   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, j, 1, 0);
        Dtype z1   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, j, 2, 0);
        Dtype x2   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, k, 0, 0);
        Dtype y2   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, k, 1, 0);
        Dtype z2   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, k, 2, 0);
        Dtype dx   = x1 - x2;
        Dtype dy   = y1 - y2;
        Dtype dz   = z1 - z2;
        Dtype dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
        if (dist < _min_distance) {
          _min_distance               = dist;
          indexes2[i * n_points2 + j] = k;
      m_dist2[i * n_points2 + j] += _min_distance / n_points2;

  Dtype loss1 = caffe_cpu_asum(dist1.count(), dist1.cpu_data()) / num;
  Dtype loss2 = caffe_cpu_asum(dist2.count(), dist2.cpu_data()) / num;
  top[0]->mutable_cpu_data()[0] = loss1 + loss2;

template <typename Dtype>
void ChamferDistanceLossLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,
  const vector<bool>& propagate_down,
  const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom) {
  const int num       = bottom[0]->num();
  const int n_points1 = bottom[0]->channels();
  const int n_points2 = bottom[1]->channels();
  Dtype grad_dist1    = Dtype(1.0) / n_points1 / num;
  Dtype grad_dist2    = Dtype(1.0) / n_points2 / num;

  Dtype* diff1 = bottom[0]->mutable_cpu_diff();
  Dtype* diff2 = bottom[1]->mutable_cpu_diff();

  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n_points1; ++j) {
      int k      = indexes1_.data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
      Dtype x1   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
      Dtype y1   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, j, 1, 0);
      Dtype z1   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, j, 2, 0);
      Dtype x2   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, k, 0, 0);
      Dtype y2   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, k, 1, 0);
      Dtype z2   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, k, 2, 0);
      Dtype grad = grad_dist1 * 2;

      diff1[(i * n_points1 + j) * 3 + 0] += grad * (x1 - x2);
      diff1[(i * n_points1 + j) * 3 + 1] += grad * (y1 - y2);
      diff1[(i * n_points1 + j) * 3 + 2] += grad * (z1 - z2);
      diff2[(i * n_points2 + k) * 3 + 0] += grad * (x2 - x1);
      diff2[(i * n_points2 + k) * 3 + 1] += grad * (y2 - y1);
      diff2[(i * n_points2 + k) * 3 + 2] += grad * (z2 - z1);

  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < n_points2; ++j) {
      int k      = indexes2_.data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
      Dtype x1   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
      Dtype y1   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, j, 1, 0);
      Dtype z1   = bottom[1]->data_at(i, j, 2, 0);
      Dtype x2   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, k, 0, 0);
      Dtype y2   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, k, 1, 0);
      Dtype z2   = bottom[0]->data_at(i, k, 2, 0);
      Dtype grad = grad_dist2 * 2;

      diff2[(i * n_points2 + j) * 3 + 0] += grad * (x1 - x2);
      diff2[(i * n_points2 + j) * 3 + 1] += grad * (y1 - y2);
      diff2[(i * n_points2 + j) * 3 + 2] += grad * (z1 - z2);
      diff1[(i * n_points1 + k) * 3 + 0] += grad * (x2 - x1);
      diff1[(i * n_points1 + k) * 3 + 1] += grad * (y2 - y1);
      diff1[(i * n_points1 + k) * 3 + 2] += grad * (z2 - z1);

#ifdef CPU_ONLY


}  // namespace caffe


#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>

#include "gtest/gtest.h"

#include "caffe/blob.hpp"
#include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/filler.hpp"
#include "caffe/layers/chamfer_distance_loss_layer.hpp"

#include "caffe/test/test_caffe_main.hpp"
#include "caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp"

namespace caffe {

template <typename TypeParam>
class ChamferDistanceLossLayerTest : public MultiDeviceTest<TypeParam> {
  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;

    : blob_bottom_ptcloud_(new Blob<Dtype>(2, 10, 3, 1)),
      blob_bottom_gtcloud_(new Blob<Dtype>(2, 10, 3, 1)),
      blob_top_loss_(new Blob<Dtype>()) {

    FillerParameter filler_param;
    UniformFiller<Dtype> filler(filler_param);
    // filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_);
    // filler.Fill(this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_);
    Dtype* ptcloud_ = blob_bottom_ptcloud_->mutable_cpu_data();
    Dtype* gtcloud_ = blob_bottom_gtcloud_->mutable_cpu_data();

    ptcloud_[0] =  0.4011;     ptcloud_[1] =  0.2908;     ptcloud_[2] =  0.3521;
    ptcloud_[3] =  0.0861;     ptcloud_[4] =  0.8777;     ptcloud_[5] =  0.4353;
    ptcloud_[6] =  0.7420;     ptcloud_[7] =  0.1549;     ptcloud_[8] =  0.8189;
    ptcloud_[9] =  0.3323;     ptcloud_[10] =  0.4617;    ptcloud_[11] =  0.2126;
    ptcloud_[12] =  0.2867;    ptcloud_[13] =  0.9608;    ptcloud_[14] =  0.6667;
    ptcloud_[15] =  0.1773;    ptcloud_[16] =  0.5807;    ptcloud_[17] =  0.0388;
    ptcloud_[18] =  0.4252;    ptcloud_[19] =  0.6412;    ptcloud_[20] =  0.6042;
    ptcloud_[21] =  0.7260;    ptcloud_[22] =  0.5044;    ptcloud_[23] =  0.8364;
    ptcloud_[24] =  0.7606;    ptcloud_[25] =  0.0383;    ptcloud_[26] =  0.2995;
    ptcloud_[27] =  0.3635;    ptcloud_[28] =  0.5297;    ptcloud_[29] =  0.2056;
    ptcloud_[30] =  0.2465;    ptcloud_[31] =  0.2190;    ptcloud_[32] =  0.4713;
    ptcloud_[33] =  0.2807;    ptcloud_[34] =  0.0673;    ptcloud_[35] =  0.5035;
    ptcloud_[36] =  0.1563;    ptcloud_[37] =  0.4924;    ptcloud_[38] =  0.3246;
    ptcloud_[39] =  0.0118;    ptcloud_[40] =  0.4919;    ptcloud_[41] =  0.7165;
    ptcloud_[42] =  0.3805;    ptcloud_[43] =  0.4503;    ptcloud_[44] =  0.0220;
    ptcloud_[45] =  0.6650;    ptcloud_[46] =  0.7816;    ptcloud_[47] =  0.0317;
    ptcloud_[48] =  0.5174;    ptcloud_[49] =  0.9315;    ptcloud_[50] =  0.3767;
    ptcloud_[51] =  0.6830;    ptcloud_[52] =  0.9195;    ptcloud_[53] =  0.3598;
    ptcloud_[54] =  0.1752;    ptcloud_[55] =  0.6147;    ptcloud_[56] =  0.8423;
    ptcloud_[57] =  0.9798;    ptcloud_[58] =  0.8040;    ptcloud_[59] =  0.7357;

    gtcloud_[0] = 0.9321;     gtcloud_[1] = 0.7667;     gtcloud_[2] = 0.2552;
    gtcloud_[3] = 0.7745;     gtcloud_[4] = 0.1306;     gtcloud_[5] = 0.2459;
    gtcloud_[6] = 0.2194;     gtcloud_[7] = 0.3606;     gtcloud_[8] = 0.9956;
    gtcloud_[9] = 0.4877;     gtcloud_[10] = 0.2506;    gtcloud_[11] = 0.1692;
    gtcloud_[12] = 0.5293;    gtcloud_[13] = 0.4913;    gtcloud_[14] = 0.3616;
    gtcloud_[15] = 0.6573;    gtcloud_[16] = 0.5852;    gtcloud_[17] = 0.2728;
    gtcloud_[18] = 0.0400;    gtcloud_[19] = 0.3716;    gtcloud_[20] = 0.4207;
    gtcloud_[21] = 0.6753;    gtcloud_[22] = 0.2750;    gtcloud_[23] = 0.8677;
    gtcloud_[24] = 0.9813;    gtcloud_[25] = 0.7300;    gtcloud_[26] = 0.1378;
    gtcloud_[27] = 0.7216;    gtcloud_[28] = 0.7457;    gtcloud_[29] = 0.4421;
    gtcloud_[30] = 0.3020;    gtcloud_[31] = 0.9361;    gtcloud_[32] = 0.7699;
    gtcloud_[33] = 0.5319;    gtcloud_[34] = 0.1045;    gtcloud_[35] = 0.0440;
    gtcloud_[36] = 0.5918;    gtcloud_[37] = 0.5900;    gtcloud_[38] = 0.8566;
    gtcloud_[39] = 0.5447;    gtcloud_[40] = 0.0098;    gtcloud_[41] = 0.4900;
    gtcloud_[42] = 0.8860;    gtcloud_[43] = 0.1312;    gtcloud_[44] = 0.6319;
    gtcloud_[45] = 0.0322;    gtcloud_[46] = 0.6574;    gtcloud_[47] = 0.8497;
    gtcloud_[48] = 0.0314;    gtcloud_[49] = 0.3995;    gtcloud_[50] = 0.6097;
    gtcloud_[51] = 0.1369;    gtcloud_[52] = 0.4054;    gtcloud_[53] = 0.4159;
    gtcloud_[54] = 0.1296;    gtcloud_[55] = 0.2437;    gtcloud_[56] = 0.9193;
    gtcloud_[57] = 0.5789;    gtcloud_[58] = 0.0539;    gtcloud_[59] = 0.0890;


  virtual ~ChamferDistanceLossLayerTest() {
    delete blob_bottom_ptcloud_;
    delete blob_bottom_gtcloud_;
    delete blob_top_loss_;

  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_ptcloud_;
  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_bottom_gtcloud_;
  Blob<Dtype>* const blob_top_loss_;

  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> blob_bottom_vec_;
  vector<Blob<Dtype>*> blob_top_vec_;

TYPED_TEST_CASE(ChamferDistanceLossLayerTest, TestDtypesAndDevices);

TYPED_TEST(ChamferDistanceLossLayerTest, TestForward) {
  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;

  LayerParameter layer_param;
  ChamferDistanceLossLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
  layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);
  const Dtype cd_loss =
    layer.Forward(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);

  Dtype loss(0);
  const int num       = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->num();
  const int n_points1 = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->channels();
  const int n_points2 = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->channels();

  for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
    Dtype min_distance1(0);
    Dtype min_distance2(0);

    for (int j = 0; j < n_points1; ++j) {
      Dtype _min_distance(1e12);
      for (int k = 0; k < n_points2; ++k) {
        Dtype x1   = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
        Dtype y1   = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->data_at(i, j, 1, 0);
        Dtype z1   = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->data_at(i, j, 2, 0);
        Dtype x2   = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->data_at(i, k, 0, 0);
        Dtype y2   = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->data_at(i, k, 1, 0);
        Dtype z2   = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->data_at(i, k, 2, 0);
        Dtype dx   = x1 - x2;
        Dtype dy   = y1 - y2;
        Dtype dz   = z1 - z2;
        Dtype dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
        if (dist < _min_distance) {
          _min_distance = dist;
      min_distance1 += _min_distance;

    for (int j = 0; j < n_points2; ++j) {
      Dtype _min_distance(1e12);
      for (int k = 0; k < n_points1; ++k) {
        Dtype x1   = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->data_at(i, j, 0, 0);
        Dtype y1   = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->data_at(i, j, 1, 0);
        Dtype z1   = this->blob_bottom_gtcloud_->data_at(i, j, 2, 0);
        Dtype x2   = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->data_at(i, k, 0, 0);
        Dtype y2   = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->data_at(i, k, 1, 0);
        Dtype z2   = this->blob_bottom_ptcloud_->data_at(i, k, 2, 0);
        Dtype dx   = x1 - x2;
        Dtype dy   = y1 - y2;
        Dtype dz   = z1 - z2;
        Dtype dist = dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
        if (dist < _min_distance) {
          _min_distance = dist;
      min_distance2 += _min_distance;
    min_distance1 /= n_points1;
    min_distance2 /= n_points2;
    loss += min_distance1 + min_distance2;
  loss /= num;

  std::cout << "loss = " << loss << std::endl;

  EXPECT_NEAR(cd_loss, loss, 1e-5);

// Disabled due to the bugs in GradientChecker.
// The gradient of ChamferDistanceLoss has the same output as the PyTorch
// version.
TYPED_TEST(ChamferDistanceLossLayerTest, TestGradient) {
  typedef typename TypeParam::Dtype Dtype;
  LayerParameter layer_param;
  ChamferDistanceLossLayer<Dtype> layer(layer_param);
  layer.SetUp(this->blob_bottom_vec_, this->blob_top_vec_);

  GradientChecker<Dtype> checker(1e-2, 1e-2, 1701);
  checker.CheckGradientExhaustive(&layer, this->blob_bottom_vec_,

}  // namespace caffe
hzxie commented 5 years ago

Here's the code for testing autograd and PyTorch:

import numpy
import jax.numpy as np
import torch

from jax import grad, jit

x = numpy.array([0.4011, 0.2908, 0.3521, 0.0861, 0.8777, 0.4353, 
                 0.7420, 0.1549, 0.8189, 0.3323, 0.4617, 0.2126, 
                 0.2867, 0.9608, 0.6667, 0.1773, 0.5807, 0.0388, 
                 0.4252, 0.6412, 0.6042, 0.7260, 0.5044, 0.8364, 
                 0.7606, 0.0383, 0.2995, 0.3635, 0.5297, 0.2056, 
                 0.2465, 0.2190, 0.4713, 0.2807, 0.0673, 0.5035, 
                 0.1563, 0.4924, 0.3246, 0.0118, 0.4919, 0.7165, 
                 0.3805, 0.4503, 0.0220, 0.6650, 0.7816, 0.0317, 
                 0.5174, 0.9315, 0.3767, 0.6830, 0.9195, 0.3598, 
                 0.1752, 0.6147, 0.8423, 0.9798, 0.8040, 0.7357]).reshape(2, 10, 3).astype(np.float32)
y = numpy.array([0.9321, 0.7667, 0.2552, 0.7745, 0.1306, 0.2459,
                 0.2194, 0.3606, 0.9956, 0.4877, 0.2506, 0.1692,
                 0.5293, 0.4913, 0.3616, 0.6573, 0.5852, 0.2728,
                 0.0400, 0.3716, 0.4207, 0.6753, 0.2750, 0.8677,
                 0.9813, 0.7300, 0.1378, 0.7216, 0.7457, 0.4421,
                 0.3020, 0.9361, 0.7699, 0.5319, 0.1045, 0.0440,
                 0.5918, 0.5900, 0.8566, 0.5447, 0.0098, 0.4900,
                 0.8860, 0.1312, 0.6319, 0.0322, 0.6574, 0.8497,
                 0.0314, 0.3995, 0.6097, 0.1369, 0.4054, 0.4159,
                 0.1296, 0.2437, 0.9193, 0.5789, 0.0539, 0.0890]).reshape(2, 10, 3).astype(np.float32)

xt = torch.from_numpy(x)
yt = torch.from_numpy(y)

bs, num_points, points_dim = xt.size()
xx = torch.bmm(xt, xt.transpose(2,1))
yy = torch.bmm(yt, yt.transpose(2,1))
zz = torch.bmm(xt, yt.transpose(2,1))
diag_ind = torch.arange(0, num_points).type(torch.LongTensor)
rx = xx[:, diag_ind, diag_ind].unsqueeze(1).expand_as(xx)
ry = yy[:, diag_ind, diag_ind].unsqueeze(1).expand_as(yy)
P = (rx.transpose(2,1) + ry - 2*zz)
loss = torch.mean(P.min(1)[0]) + torch.mean(P.min(2)[0])


def chamfer_distance(ptcloud1, ptcloud2):
    num, n_points, _ = ptcloud1.shape
    xx = np.matmul(ptcloud1, ptcloud1.transpose((0, 2, 1)))
    yy = np.matmul(ptcloud2, ptcloud2.transpose((0, 2, 1)))
    xy = np.matmul(ptcloud1, ptcloud2.transpose((0, 2, 1)))
    diag = np.arange(n_points)
    rx = xx[:, diag, diag][:, np.newaxis, :].repeat(axis=1, repeats=n_points)
    ry = yy[:, diag, diag][:, np.newaxis, :].repeat(axis=1, repeats=n_points)
    dist = (rx.transpose((0, 2, 1)) + ry - 2 * xy)
    dist1 = np.amin(dist, 1)
    dist2 = np.amin(dist, 2)
    return np.mean(dist1 + dist2)

_x = np.array(x)
_y = np.array(y)

print(chamfer_distance(x, y))
_grad1 = grad(chamfer_distance, 0)
_grad1(x, y)

_grad2 = grad(chamfer_distance, 1)
_grad2(x, y)

The gradients outputted by autograd (JAX) are as following:

DeviceArray([[[-0.01731999,  0.00804   ,  0.03658   ],
              [ 0.00461   ,  0.05061   ,  0.00146   ],
              [ 0.01334   , -0.02402001, -0.00975999],
              [ 0.00953001,  0.00605   , -0.03571001],
              [-0.04349   ,  0.02151   ,  0.02246   ],
              [ 0.01373   ,  0.02091   , -0.03819   ],
              [-0.01946999,  0.03260002,  0.00133   ],
              [ 0.00507   ,  0.02294   , -0.00313   ],
              [-0.00278001, -0.01846   ,  0.01072   ],
              [-0.18118   , -0.04160002, -0.0361    ]],
             [[ 0.01096   , -0.01864   ,  0.00554   ],
              [-0.11332999,  0.00511   , -0.01014   ],
              [ 0.00388   ,  0.0174    , -0.01826   ],
              [-0.0157    ,  0.0433    ,  0.00107999],
              [-0.05012   ,  0.10880001, -0.0111    ],
              [ 0.01331   ,  0.06771   , -0.00123   ],
              [ 0.02154   , -0.00046   , -0.03932   ],
              [ 0.0381    , -0.00166   , -0.04101   ],
              [-0.02573999, -0.03821   ,  0.00432998],
              [ 0.0388    ,  0.02140001, -0.01209   ]]], dtype=float32)
DeviceArray([[[ 0.05686   ,  0.02370001,  0.00496   ],
              [ 0.00278001,  0.01846   , -0.01072   ],
              [-0.02058   , -0.02806   ,  0.03914   ],
              [ 0.01731999, -0.00804   , -0.03658   ],
              [ 0.06326999, -0.01970999,  0.02184001],
              [ 0.02938   ,  0.00555   ,  0.00672   ],
              [-0.04757   , -0.08053   ,  0.05754001],
              [-0.01841   ,  0.00108   ,  0.01289   ],
              [ 0.06178   ,  0.02003001, -0.00678   ],
              [ 0.07313   , -0.01106   , -0.03867001]],
             [[-0.04696001,  0.03426002,  0.07309   ],
              [ 0.01697001, -0.13687   ,  0.00563   ],
              [ 0.00285999, -0.02387001,  0.01352   ],
              [ 0.0528    , -0.0115    , -0.00269999],
              [ 0.06053   ,  0.00639   ,  0.01284001],
              [-0.0286    ,  0.00854   ,  0.00148   ],
              [ 0.00392   , -0.01848   , -0.02135998],
              [-0.01484   ,  0.00124001,  0.01272   ],
              [ 0.01178   , -0.02482   ,  0.02028   ],
              [ 0.01984   , -0.03964   ,  0.0067    ]]], dtype=float32)

The output of PyTorch is:

tensor([[[-0.0173,  0.0080,  0.0366],
         [ 0.0046,  0.0506,  0.0015],
         [ 0.0133, -0.0240, -0.0098],
         [ 0.0095,  0.0060, -0.0357],
         [-0.0435,  0.0215,  0.0225],
         [ 0.0137,  0.0209, -0.0382],
         [-0.0195,  0.0326,  0.0013],
         [ 0.0051,  0.0229, -0.0031],
         [-0.0028, -0.0185,  0.0107],
         [-0.1812, -0.0416, -0.0361]],
        [[ 0.0110, -0.0186,  0.0055],
         [-0.1133,  0.0051, -0.0101],
         [ 0.0039,  0.0174, -0.0183],
         [-0.0157,  0.0433,  0.0011],
         [-0.0501,  0.1088, -0.0111],
         [ 0.0133,  0.0677, -0.0012],
         [ 0.0215, -0.0005, -0.0393],
         [ 0.0381, -0.0017, -0.0410],
         [-0.0257, -0.0382,  0.0043],
         [ 0.0388,  0.0214, -0.0121]]])
tensor([[[ 0.0569,  0.0237,  0.0050],
         [ 0.0028,  0.0185, -0.0107],
         [-0.0206, -0.0281,  0.0391],
         [ 0.0173, -0.0080, -0.0366],
         [ 0.0633, -0.0197,  0.0218],
         [ 0.0294,  0.0056,  0.0067],
         [-0.0476, -0.0805,  0.0575],
         [-0.0184,  0.0011,  0.0129],
         [ 0.0618,  0.0200, -0.0068],
         [ 0.0731, -0.0111, -0.0387]],
        [[-0.0470,  0.0343,  0.0731],
         [ 0.0170, -0.1369,  0.0056],
         [ 0.0029, -0.0239,  0.0135],
         [ 0.0528, -0.0115, -0.0027],
         [ 0.0605,  0.0064,  0.0128],
         [-0.0286,  0.0085,  0.0015],
         [ 0.0039, -0.0185, -0.0214],
         [-0.0148,  0.0012,  0.0127],
         [ 0.0118, -0.0248,  0.0203],
         [ 0.0198, -0.0396,  0.0067]]])
hzxie commented 5 years ago

The output of GradientChecker is:

/include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.036579999999994332, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.036580000000000008,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.073159999999994341, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,2; feat = 0.35210000000000002; objective+ = 0.54718473299999992; objective- = 0.54572153300000004
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.050610000000001862, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.050610000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.10122000000000186, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,4; feat = 0.87770000000000004; objective+ = 0.54745533300000004; objective- = 0.54543093300000001
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.013339999999995598, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.013339999999999998,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.026679999999995596, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,6; feat = 0.74199999999999999; objective+ = 0.54671993299999988; objective- = 0.54618633299999997
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.024020000000004742, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.024020000000000003,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.048040000000004746, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,7; feat = 0.15490000000000004; objective+ = 0.54597273299999993; objective- = 0.54693353300000003
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.035709999999999818, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.035709999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.071419999999999817, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,11; feat = 0.21260000000000004; objective+ = 0.54573893299999998; objective- = 0.54716733299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.043489999999997614, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.043490000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.086979999999997615, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,12; feat = 0.28670000000000001; objective+ = 0.54557333299999999; objective- = 0.54731293299999995
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.021509999999999172, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.021509999999999998,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.04301999999999917, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,13; feat = 0.96079999999999999; objective+ = 0.54687333299999996; objective- = 0.54601293299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.022459999999998297, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.022459999999999997,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.044919999999998295, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,14; feat = 0.66669999999999996; objective+ = 0.54689233299999995; objective- = 0.54599393299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.01372999999999582, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.013730000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.027459999999995821, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,15; feat = 0.17730000000000004; objective+ = 0.54671773299999993; objective- = 0.54616853300000001
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.020909999999997968, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.020910000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.04181999999999797, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,16; feat = 0.58069999999999999; objective+ = 0.54686133299999995; objective- = 0.54602493299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.038190000000003665, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.038190000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.076380000000003667, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,17; feat = 0.038800000000000001; objective+ = 0.54567933299999993; objective- = 0.54720693300000001
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.019469999999998426, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.019469999999999994,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.03893999999999842, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,18; feat = 0.42520000000000002; objective+ = 0.54607373300000006; objective- = 0.54685253300000003
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.032599999999998602, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.03259999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.065199999999998592, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,19; feat = 0.64119999999999999; objective+ = 0.54711513299999992; objective- = 0.54581113299999995
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.022939999999998149, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.022939999999999995,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.045879999999998144, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,22; feat = 0.50439999999999996; objective+ = 0.54690193300000001; objective- = 0.54598433300000004
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.018459999999995844, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.018460000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.036919999999995845, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,25; feat = 0.038300000000000001; objective+ = 0.54608393300000002; objective- = 0.54682233299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.0107199999999948, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.010719999999999997,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.021439999999994797, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,26; feat = 0.29949999999999999; objective+ = 0.54666753299999993; objective- = 0.54623873300000003
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.18118000000000045, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.18118000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.36236000000000046, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,27; feat = 0.36349999999999999; objective+ = 0.54285953300000001; objective- = 0.55010673300000001
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.041600000000005452, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.04160000000000004,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.083200000000005492, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,28; feat = 0.52969999999999995; objective+ = 0.54565113300000001; objective- = 0.54731513300000012
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.036100000000000056, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.036099999999999986,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.072200000000000042, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,29; feat = 0.20560000000000003; objective+ = 0.54576113300000006; objective- = 0.54720513300000007
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.010959999999997496, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.010960000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.021919999999997497, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,30; feat = 0.24650000000000002; objective+ = 0.546662333; objective- = 0.54622393300000005
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.018640000000000646, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.01864,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.037280000000000646, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,31; feat = 0.21900000000000003; objective+ = 0.54607033299999996; objective- = 0.54681593299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.11333000000000631, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.11332999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.2266600000000063, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,33; feat = 0.28070000000000001; objective+ = 0.54419653299999993; objective- = 0.54872973300000005
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.010140000000000281, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.010140000000000017,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.020280000000000298, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,35; feat = 0.50349999999999995; objective+ = 0.54626033299999999; objective- = 0.54666593299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.017400000000001491, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.017400000000000006,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.034800000000001496, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,37; feat = 0.49239999999999995; objective+ = 0.54680113299999999; objective- = 0.54610513299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.018260000000000998, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.018259999999999998,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.036520000000000996, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,38; feat = 0.3246; objective+ = 0.54608793299999991; objective- = 0.54681833299999993
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.015699999999998097, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.015699999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.031399999999998096, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,39; feat = 0.0118; objective+ = 0.54614913300000001; objective- = 0.54677713299999997
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.043299999999997792, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.043299999999999998,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.08659999999999779, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,40; feat = 0.4919; objective+ = 0.54732913299999997; objective- = 0.54559713300000001
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.050120000000001434, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.050120000000000005,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.10024000000000144, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,42; feat = 0.3805; objective+ = 0.54546073299999998; objective- = 0.547465533
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.10880000000000112, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.10880000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.21760000000000113, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,43; feat = 0.45029999999999998; objective+ = 0.548639133; objective- = 0.54428713299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.011100000000005546, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.011100000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.022200000000005549, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,44; feat = 0.021999999999999999; objective+ = 0.54624113299999988; objective- = 0.54668513299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.013309999999999421, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.013310000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.026619999999999422, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,45; feat = 0.66500000000000004; objective+ = 0.54670933300000002; objective- = 0.54617693300000003
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.067710000000002768, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.067709999999999992,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.13542000000000276, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,46; feat = 0.78159999999999996; objective+ = 0.547797333; objective- = 0.54508893299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.021540000000000895, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.02154,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.043080000000000895, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,48; feat = 0.51739999999999997; objective+ = 0.54687393299999998; objective- = 0.54601233299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.039320000000002034, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.039320000000000008,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.078640000000002042, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,50; feat = 0.37669999999999998; objective+ = 0.54565673299999995; objective- = 0.54722953299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.038099999999998482, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.038100000000000009,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.076199999999998491, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,51; feat = 0.68300000000000005; objective+ = 0.54720513299999995; objective- = 0.54568113299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.041009999999999311, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.041010000000000005,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.082019999999999316, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,53; feat = 0.35980000000000001; objective+ = 0.54562293299999998; objective- = 0.54726333299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.025740000000003739, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.025740000000000006,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.051480000000003745, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,54; feat = 0.17520000000000002; objective+ = 0.54595833299999996; objective- = 0.54698793300000004
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.038209999999999279, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.038209999999999987,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.076419999999999266, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,55; feat = 0.61470000000000002; objective+ = 0.54570893300000001; objective- = 0.54723733299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.03879999999999989, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.038800000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.077599999999999891, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,57; feat = 0.9798; objective+ = 0.54721913300000002; objective- = 0.54566713300000003
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.021399999999998386, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.021400000000000009,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.042799999999998395, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,58; feat = 0.80400000000000005; objective+ = 0.54687113300000001; objective- = 0.54601513300000004
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.012090000000001421, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.012090000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.024180000000001423, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,0,59; feat = 0.73570000000000002; objective+ = 0.54620133299999996; objective- = 0.54668493299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.056860000000000487, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.056860000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.11372000000000049, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,0; feat = 0.93210000000000004; objective+ = 0.54758033299999997; objective- = 0.54530593299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.023700000000002983, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.023700000000000013,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.047400000000002995, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,1; feat = 0.76670000000000005; objective+ = 0.546917133; objective- = 0.54596913299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.018459999999995844, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.018460000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.036919999999995845, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,4; feat = 0.13059999999999999; objective+ = 0.54682233299999994; objective- = 0.54608393300000002
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.0107199999999948, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.010719999999999997,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.021439999999994797, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,5; feat = 0.24590000000000004; objective+ = 0.54623873300000003; objective- = 0.54666753299999993
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.020580000000001195, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.020580000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.041160000000001196, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,6; feat = 0.21940000000000004; objective+ = 0.54603153299999996; objective- = 0.54685473299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.028059999999998392, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.028060000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.056119999999998393, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,7; feat = 0.36059999999999998; objective+ = 0.54588193299999999; objective- = 0.54700433299999995
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.039140000000002784, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.039140000000000008,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.078280000000002792, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,8; feat = 0.99560000000000004; objective+ = 0.547225933; objective- = 0.54566033299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.017319999999996893, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.017320000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.034639999999996895, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,9; feat = 0.48770000000000002; objective+ = 0.54679953299999995; objective- = 0.54610673300000001
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.036579999999994332, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.036580000000000008,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.073159999999994341, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,11; feat = 0.16920000000000002; objective+ = 0.54572153300000004; objective- = 0.54718473299999992
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.063270000000002768, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.063269999999999993,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.12654000000000276, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,12; feat = 0.52929999999999999; objective+ = 0.54773853299999997; objective- = 0.54520773299999992
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.012947699999999476, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.019709999999999981,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.032657699999999457, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,13; feat = 0.49129999999999996; objective+ = 0.54607893299999999; objective- = 0.54673208699999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.021839999999995953, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.021839999999999991,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.043679999999995944, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,14; feat = 0.36159999999999998; objective+ = 0.5469099329999999; objective- = 0.54603633299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.029380000000002141, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.029380000000000003,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.058760000000002144, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,15; feat = 0.6573; objective+ = 0.54703073299999994; objective- = 0.54585553299999989
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.047569999999999113, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.047570000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.095139999999999114, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,18; feat = 0.040000000000000001; objective+ = 0.545511733; objective- = 0.54741453299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.080530000000001753, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.080530000000000004,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.16106000000000176, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,19; feat = 0.37159999999999999; objective+ = 0.54485253300000003; objective- = 0.54807373300000006
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.057540000000000736, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.057540000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.11508000000000074, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,20; feat = 0.42070000000000002; objective+ = 0.54761393299999994; objective- = 0.54531233299999993
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.018409999999992974, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.018409999999999996,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.036819999999992969, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,21; feat = 0.67530000000000001; objective+ = 0.546094933; objective- = 0.54683133299999986
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.01289000000000301, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.012890000000000013,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.025780000000003023, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,23; feat = 0.86770000000000003; objective+ = 0.54672093300000002; objective- = 0.54620533299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.061780000000000342, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.061779999999999995,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.12356000000000034, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,24; feat = 0.98129999999999995; objective+ = 0.54767873299999992; objective- = 0.54520753299999991
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.020030000000002865, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.020030000000000006,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.040060000000002871, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,25; feat = 0.72999999999999998; objective+ = 0.546843733; objective- = 0.54604253299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.073129999999998058, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.073130000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.14625999999999806, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,27; feat = 0.72160000000000002; objective+ = 0.54791573299999996; objective- = 0.544990533
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.011059999999997704, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.011059999999999993,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.022119999999997697, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,28; feat = 0.74570000000000003; objective+ = 0.54623193299999995; objective- = 0.5466743329999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.03866999999999797, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.038669999999999996,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.077339999999997966, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,29; feat = 0.44209999999999999; objective+ = 0.54567973299999994; objective- = 0.5472265329999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.046959999999997323, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.046960000000000016,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.093919999999997339, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,30; feat = 0.30199999999999999; objective+ = 0.54552393300000002; objective- = 0.54740233299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.03425999999999968, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.034260000000000013,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.068519999999999692, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,31; feat = 0.93610000000000004; objective+ = 0.54714833299999999; objective- = 0.54577793299999999
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.073090000000001293, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.073090000000000016,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.14618000000000131, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,32; feat = 0.76990000000000003; objective+ = 0.547924933; objective- = 0.54500133299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.016970000000004516, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.016970000000000006,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.033940000000004522, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,33; feat = 0.53190000000000004; objective+ = 0.54680253300000004; objective- = 0.54612373299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.1368700000000001, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.13686999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.27374000000000009, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,34; feat = 0.10449999999999998; objective+ = 0.54372573299999993; objective- = 0.54920053299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.023869999999996103, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.023870000000000016,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.047739999999996119, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,37; feat = 0.58999999999999997; objective+ = 0.54597573300000002; objective- = 0.54693053299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.013520000000000396, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.013520000000000001,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.027040000000000397, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,38; feat = 0.85660000000000003; objective+ = 0.54672353299999998; objective- = 0.54618273299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.052799999999994594, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.052799999999999993,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.10559999999999459, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,39; feat = 0.54469999999999996; objective+ = 0.54750913299999993; objective- = 0.54539713300000003
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.011499999999995247, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.0115,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.022999999999995246, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,40; feat = 0.0097999999999999979; objective+ = 0.54622313300000003; objective- = 0.54668313299999993
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.060530000000000611, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.06053,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.12106000000000061, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,42; feat = 0.88600000000000001; objective+ = 0.54765373299999998; objective- = 0.54523253299999996
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.012840000000000139, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.012840000000000008,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.025680000000000147, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,44; feat = 0.63190000000000002; objective+ = 0.54669993299999997; objective- = 0.54618633299999997
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.028600000000001694, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.0286,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.057200000000001694, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,45; feat = 0.032199999999999999; objective+ = 0.54588113299999996; objective- = 0.547025133
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.018479999999996999, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.018479999999999996,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.036959999999996995, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,49; feat = 0.39950000000000002; objective+ = 0.54608353300000001; objective- = 0.54682273299999995
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.021360000000001642, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.021360000000000004,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.042720000000001646, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,50; feat = 0.60970000000000002; objective+ = 0.54602593300000002; objective- = 0.54688033300000005
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.014839999999998594, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.014840000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.029679999999998596, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,51; feat = 0.13690000000000002; objective+ = 0.54616633299999995; objective- = 0.54675993299999992
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.012720000000004349, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.012719999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.025440000000004348, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,53; feat = 0.41589999999999999; objective+ = 0.54671753300000003; objective- = 0.54620873299999995
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.011780000000000249, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.011779999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.023560000000000247, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,54; feat = 0.12959999999999999; objective+ = 0.54667873299999992; objective- = 0.54620753299999991
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.024820000000000793, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.024820000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.049640000000000795, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,55; feat = 0.2437; objective+ = 0.54594673299999996; objective- = 0.54693953299999998
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.020280000000000596, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.020279999999999999,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.040560000000000596, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,56; feat = 0.91930000000000001; objective+ = 0.54684873299999992; objective- = 0.54603753299999991
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.01984000000000305, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to 0.019839999999999997,
estimated_gradient evaluates to 0.039680000000003046, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,57; feat = 0.57889999999999997; objective+ = 0.546839933; objective- = 0.54604633299999994
./include/caffe/test/test_gradient_check_util.hpp:175: Failure
The difference between computed_gradient and estimated_gradient is 0.039639999999998239, which exceeds threshold_ * scale, where
computed_gradient evaluates to -0.039640000000000002,
estimated_gradient evaluates to -0.079279999999998241, and
threshold_ * scale evaluates to 0.01.
debug: (top_id, top_data_id, blob_id, feat_id)=0,0,1,58; feat = 0.053899999999999997; objective+ = 0.54565033299999999; objective- = 0.54723593299999995
hzxie commented 5 years ago

Most of the values are doubled, because of the following statement in test_gradient_check_util.hpp:

const Dtype loss_weight = 2;  // I don't know why the value is 2.
loss = top[top_id]->cpu_data()[top_data_id] * loss_weight;
top[top_id]->mutable_cpu_diff()[top_data_id] = loss_weight;

Besides, in the Caffe layer, the top[0]->cpu_diff()[0] also returns 2.

If I change doubled the loss values, there still be some mismatched values with the estimated_gradient.

Could you tell me the reason?