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make runtest error #6829

Closed kli017 closed 1 year ago

kli017 commented 5 years ago

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kli017 commented 5 years ago

Ubuntu16.04 CUDA 9.2 cundd7.6.3 python3.6.5

.build_release/tools/caffe caffe: command line brew usage: caffe

commands: train train or finetune a model test score a model device_query show GPU diagnostic information time benchmark model execution time

Flags from tools/caffe.cpp: -gpu (Optional; run in GPU mode on given device IDs separated by ','.Use '-gpu all' to run on all available GPUs. The effective training batch size is multiplied by the number of devices.) type: string default: "" -iterations (The number of iterations to run.) type: int32 default: 50 -level (Optional; network level.) type: int32 default: 0 -model (The model definition protocol buffer text file.) type: string default: "" -phase (Optional; network phase (TRAIN or TEST). Only used for 'time'.) type: string default: "" -sighup_effect (Optional; action to take when a SIGHUP signal is received: snapshot, stop or none.) type: string default: "snapshot" -sigint_effect (Optional; action to take when a SIGINT signal is received: snapshot, stop or none.) type: string default: "stop" -snapshot (Optional; the snapshot solver state to resume training.) type: string default: "" -solver (The solver definition protocol buffer text file.) type: string default: "" -stage (Optional; network stages (not to be confused with phase), separated by ','.) type: string default: "" -weights (Optional; the pretrained weights to initialize finetuning, separated by ','. Cannot be set simultaneously with snapshot.) type: string default: "" .build_release/test/test_all.testbin 0 --gtest_shuffle Cuda number of devices: 1 Setting to use device 0 Current device id: 0 Current device name: GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Note: Randomizing tests' orders with a seed of 62195 . [==========] Running 2207 tests from 285 test cases. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 5 tests from BlobSimpleTest/0, where TypeParam = float [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestInitialization [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestInitialization (158 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestLegacyBlobProtoShapeEquals (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshape [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshape (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshapeZero [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestReshapeZero (0 ms) [ RUN ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestPointersCPUGPU [ OK ] BlobSimpleTest/0.TestPointersCPUGPU (6 ms) [----------] 5 tests from BlobSimpleTest/0 (164 ms total)

[----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/2, where TypeParam = caffe::GPUDevice [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStop [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStop (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerMilliSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerMilliSeconds (300 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerSeconds [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerSeconds (301 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStart [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerStart (0 ms) [ RUN ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerConstructor [ OK ] BenchmarkTest/2.TestTimerConstructor (0 ms) [----------] 5 tests from BenchmarkTest/2 (601 ms total)

[----------] 6 tests from CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0, where TypeParam = float [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientCuDNN (1168 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolutionCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSobelConvolutionCuDNN (4 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSetupCuDNN (5 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestGradientGroupCuDNN (227 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN (2 ms) [ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroupCuDNN [ OK ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0.TestSimpleConvolutionGroupCuDNN (4 ms) [----------] 6 tests from CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/0 (1410 ms total)

[----------] 6 tests from MSRAFillerTest/0, where TypeParam = float [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFill5D [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFill5D (0 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFill1D [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFill1D (1 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanOut (24 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillFanIn (24 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFill2D [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFill2D (1 ms) [ RUN ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage [ OK ] MSRAFillerTest/0.TestFillAverage (24 ms) [----------] 6 tests from MSRAFillerTest/0 (74 ms total)

[----------] 58 tests from NeuronLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUInPlace [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUInPlace (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanH [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanH (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestClipGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestClipGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradientWithNegativeSlope (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLL [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLL (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLUGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutHalf [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutHalf (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUConsistencyReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishAsLinear [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishAsLinear (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishGradient (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoidGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerWithShift [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerWithShift (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsVal [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestAbsVal (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForward [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForward (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLLGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestBNLLGradient (3 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishWithBetaGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishWithBetaGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUParam [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUParam (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishWithBeta [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishWithBeta (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Shift1Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradientTest [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutGradientTest (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUForwardChannelShared (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogGradientBase2Shift1 (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientBase2Scale3 (2 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoid [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSigmoid (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutTestPhase [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutTestPhase (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutThreeQuarters [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestDropoutThreeQuarters (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientWithShift [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpGradientWithShift (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwish [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwish (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUasReLU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishAsLinearGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestSwishAsLinearGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradientChannelShared (55 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELU [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELU (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestELUGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2Shift1 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayerBase2Shift1Scale3 (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestClip [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestClip (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestReLUWithNegativeSlope (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestTanHGradient (1 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayer [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestExpLayer (0 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradient [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestPReLUGradient (56 ms) [ RUN ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2 [ OK ] NeuronLayerTest/1.TestLogLayerBase2 (0 ms) [----------] 58 tests from NeuronLayerTest/1 (142 ms total)

[----------] 14 tests from DataLayerTest/1, where TypeParam = caffe::CPUDevice [ RUN ] DataLayerTest/1.TestSkipLevelDB Aborted at 1567851757 (unix time) try "date -d @1567851757" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x7f50f2c90931 (unknown) SIGSEGV (@0x8b43fc17e) received by PID 3141 (TID 0x7f50b08e1700) from PID 18446744072438661502; stack trace: @ 0x7f50e8f3f390 (unknown) @ 0x7f50f2c90931 (unknown) @ 0x7f50ea3dc81e std::_Rb_tree<>::_M_insert_unique() @ 0x7f50ea3d49f8 boost::detail::add_new_tss_node() @ 0x7f50ea3d4c43 boost::detail::set_tss_data() @ 0x7f50e95ed3bd caffe::Caffe::Get() @ 0x7f50e9649cc0 caffe::InternalThread::entry() @ 0x7f50e964aade boost::detail::thread_data<>::run() @ 0x7f50ea3d25d5 (unknown) @ 0x7f50e8f356ba start_thread @ 0x7f50e8c6b41d clone @ 0x0 (unknown) Makefile:542: recipe for target 'runtest' failed

darcyzhc commented 4 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem for a few days, but I haven't solved it yet. Have you solved it? May you share something?

kli017 commented 4 years ago

@Darcyzh I have no idea whats going wrong.. Maybe is the verson of libboost doesnt match. Finally I just reinstall the ubuntu and solved.